3. Global Health Leadership Development Program,美国中华医学会(CMB), 2022—2025年
4. Accelerate malaria control and elimination in Myanmar by facilitation and optimizing use of resources, 盖茨基金会,2022—2024年
5. 医药行业产业安全预警平台,国家商务部,2009—2017年
6. 国家医药行业“十二五”进出口规划,国家商务部,2010年
1. Yunxuan Hu, Zhebin Wang, Shuduo Zhou, Jian Yang, Ying Chen, Yumeng Wang, Ming Xu*. Redefning Debt-to-Health, a triple-win health financing instrument in global health. Globalization and Health, 6 May 2024. //doi.org/10.1186/s12992-024-01043-x
2. Ming Xu*, Christoph Benn, Simon Reid- Henry, Tim Brown, Shuduo Zhou, Jian Yang, Ying Chen, Zhebin Wang. Rethinking International financing for health to better respond to future pandemics. BMJ Global Health 12 November 2023. //gh.bmj.com/content/8/11/e012988
3. Shuduo Zhou, Xiangning Feng, Yunxuan Hu, Jian Yang, Ying Chen, Jon Bastow,Zhi‑Jie Zheng,Ming Xu*.Factors associated with the utilization of diagnostic tools among countries with different income levels during the COVID-19 pandemic. Global Health Research and Policy, 27 October 2023. //doi.org/10.1186/s41256-023-00330-1
4. Yanan Luo, Richard Liang, Ming Xu*. Economic insecurity exposure and cognitive function in late life. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health; September 2023. //jech.bmj.com/content/early/2023/09/01/jech-2023-220481
5. Jian Yang, Shuduo Zhou, Xiangning Feng, Ying Chen, Yunxuan Hu, Ming Xu*. Evolving market-shaping strategies to boost access to essential medical products in developing countries with HIV self-testing as a case study. Global Health Research and Policy, 14 July 2023. //doi.org/10.1186/s41256-023-00310-5.
6. Jian Yang, Shuduo Zhou, Xiangning Feng,Ying Chen, Yunxuan Hu, Ming Xu*. Understanding the Effects of Iatrogenic Management on Population Health: A Medical Innovation Perspective. China CDC Weekly 2023; ISSN 2096-3101, CN 10-1629/R1,Vol. 5 No. 27, 7 July 2023.
7. Ming Xu*, Yunxuan Hu, Shenning Lu, Muhammad Abdullahi Idris, Shuduo Zhou, Jian Yang, Xiangning Feng, Yangmu Huang, Xian Xu, Ying Chen, Duoquan Wang. Seasonal malaria chemoprevention in Africa and China's upgraded role as a contributor: scoping review. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, July 2023. //doi.org/10.1186/s40249-023-01115-x.
8. Ming Xu*, Li Zhang, Xiangning Feng, Zhenyu Zhang,Yangmu Huang. Regulatory Reliance for Convergence and Harmonization in the Medical Device Space in Asia-Pacific. BMJ Global Health, 19 August 2022, Volume 7 -Issue 8. //gh.bmj.com/content/7/8/e009798.
9. 冯香凝,周书铎,杨 坚,许铭*. 《基于全生命周期维度的全球卫生公共产品可及性研究》,载《中国卫生经济》第42卷 第11期(总第489期) 2023年11月
10. 周书铎、许铭* 《新格局下全球卫生治理及对中国的路径建议》,载《管理现代化》 第42卷第3期,总第241期, 2022 年6月20日 第3期 (P114-122).