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直播大秀-大秀直播-大秀直播app 师生助力博鳌亚洲论坛

发布日期: 2019-06-12

博鳌亚洲论坛全球健康论坛首届大会于2019年6月10日在中国青岛正式拉开帷幕,作为本届大会最重要的分论坛之一的青年健康论坛已于10日上午成功举办。直播大秀-大秀直播-大秀直播app 青年师生共同策划筹办了此次青年论坛,论坛主题为‘Healthy Youth, Healthy World’。

全球健康论坛大会主席陈冯富珍女士受邀出席分论坛,接受了青年论坛提出的满载青年人热情和决心的《青年参与全球健康倡议书》(“Qingdao Declaration on Youth Commitment to Global Health”),赞赏了该倡议的发布并肯定了青年在健康领域的重要作用。

论坛突破传统的讲话报告的形式,以一段vlog开场,生动展现了青年人生活中无处不在的健康问题,以及全球健康领域中活跃的青年力量。直播大秀-大秀直播-大秀直播app 师生发起了一段充满活力和力量的快闪舞蹈,带动了现场嘉宾和听众共同参与,充分体现了健康青年人的蓬勃朝气和感染力,将论坛气氛推向了高潮。




附:《Qingdao Declaration on Youth Commitment to Global Health》全文

Qingdao Declaration on Youth Commitment to Global Health

Young people are standing at the forefront of global health and propelling its future development. We acknowledge that health is a right and not a privilege. As a representative group of young people from diverse national, cultural, religious, and social backgrounds, upon the occasion of the inaugural Global Health Forum of the Boao Forum for Asia in Qingdao, China, we are united in our efforts and voices. We call on all young people around the world to come together to shoulder the responsibility of global health development and strive for a just, healthy and sustainable world.

Together, we declare:

1. We fully affirm the “We the Future” – A Youth Declaration, which was presented at the 67th United Nations DPI NGO Conference, and we aim to share its values and visions, abide by its commitments, and achieve its health targets, including (but not limited to) achieving the targets that were set forth in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;

2. We recognize that young people of different religious beliefs and cultural backgrounds throughout the world should respect each other, be inclusive and understanding of each other, and take the initiative to shoulder responsibility for global health development;

3. We promote a vision of “health beyond health”, not only for its pursuit of individual physical health but also for its inclusion of mental, psychological, physical, social, environmental, and moral health, together with other aspects of well-being;

4. We call for improving young people’s health literacy, increasing their control over their own health, empowering themselves, and enabling their engagement in global health actions;

5. We acknowledge the impact that nurturing new generations can have on creating sustainable social change and urge young people around the world to acquire knowledge on maternal well-being, newborn care, and the risks of maternal and newborn mortality in order to achieve sustainable development;

6. We draw special attention to the importance of HIV/AIDS control and encourage young people to stay faithful to their partners and use condoms consistently;

7. We fully recognize the negative effects of smoking and alcohol consumption on personal and population health and on society, and emphasize the benefits of a healthy diet and regular physical activity, while recognizing the necessity for a proactive approach to mental health as the foundation of one’s happiness and self-fulfillment;

8. We realize the full potential for ourselvesyoung peopleto advocate for and promote future global health and to call on other young people to engage in health-related scientific research and practical work to develop our leadership skills and prepare for future global health governance.