





  • 副研究员、博士生导师
  • [email protected]
  • 北京市海淀区直播大秀 路38号 有朋馆206
  • 北京大学

张振宇,副研究员,现任职于直播大秀-大秀直播-大秀直播app 全球卫生系。他曾在哈佛大学直播大秀 (2014-2015年)和约翰霍普金斯大学直播大秀 (2016-2021年)分别完成博士联合培养和博士后培养。主要研究领域包括大气污染与健康、全球气候变化、碳中和及全球卫生。在过去五年中,他以第一作者或责任作者身份在American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine、Environmental Health Perspectives、BMC Medicine、Thorax、EI、Science of the Total Environment,。他还担任《BMC Medicine》和JACC的副主编和统计编辑。




1. 2016-2019 MAESTRO-PAF for major adverse events and stroke in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, 参与

2. 2016-2021 CAMARO-ESRD: Cardiac arrhythmia monitoring and related outcomes in end stage renal disease patients, 参与

3. 归侨参与全球治理,北京市侨联课题,课题负责人

4. 宝石花医疗公司质量管理模式评估与优化的前瞻性研究,课题负责人

5. 中国“厕所革命”的现状与挑战评估研究,盖茨基金会,课题负责人

6. 中国—东盟公共卫生科技合作中心建设,科技部,子课题负责人


1. Zhenyu Zhang, Rebecca J Kamil, Nyall R London, Stella E Lee, Venkataramana K Sidhaye, Shyam Biswal, Andrew P Lane, Jayant M Pinto, Murugappan Ramanathan, Jr. Long-Term Exposure to Particulate Matter Air Pollution and Chronic Rhinosinusitis in Non-Allergic Patients. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2021 (IF: 21.4)

2. Zhenyu Zhang, Nicholas R Rowan, Jayant M Pinto, Nyall R London, Andrew P Lane, Shyam Biswal, Murugappan Ramanathan. Exposure to particulate matter air pollution and anosmia. JAMA Network Open. 2021 (IF: 13.8)

3. Zhenyu Zhang, Dawei Zhu, Bin Cui, Ruojing Ding, Xuefeng Shi, and Ping He. Association between particulate matter air pollution and lung cancer. Thorax. 2020. (IF: 10.4)

4. Zhenyu Zhang, Di Zhao, Yunsoo Hong, Yoosoo Chu, and Eliseo Guallar. Long-term particulate matter exposure and onset of depression in middle-aged men and women. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2019. (IF: 9.0) 

5. Zhenyu Zhang, Francine Laden, John Forman, and Jaime Hart. Long-term exposure to particulate matter and self-reported hypertension: a prospective analysis in the Nurses’ Health Study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2016. (IF: 9.0)

6.  Chen J, Jiao Z, Liang Z, Ma J, Xu M, Biswal S, Ramanathan M, Sun S, Zhenyu Zhang. Association between temperature variability and global meningitis incidence. Environ Int. 2023 Jan;171:107649. (IF: 11.8)

7. Xu Q, Zhou Q, Chen J, Li T, Ma J, Du R, Su M, Li J, Xu M, Sun S, Ma J, Ramanathan M Jr, Zhenyu Zhang. The incidence of asthma attributable to temperature variability: An ecological study based on 1990-2019 GBD data. Sci Total Environ. 2023 Sep 1;904:166726. (IF: 9.8)

8.  Philip Crepeau, Zhenyu Zhang, Rhea Udyavar, Lilah Morris‑Wiseman, Shyam Biswal,

Murugappan Ramanathan, Aarti Mathur. Socioeconomic disparity in the association between fine particulate matter exposure and papillary thyroid cancer. Environmental Health, 2023 22:20 (IF: 6.0)

9. Mintao Su, Huimin Sun, Liying Qiao, Hai Lin, Yunjing Zhang, Meng Qi, Ying Yan, Weiwei Kang, Lu Xu, Guozhen Liu, Mingyuan Wang, Dawei Zhu, Baosheng Liang, Xiaozhen Lv, Ruogu Meng, Yunfeng Xi, Shengfeng, Wang, Jing Li, Zhenyu Zhang. The association between exposure to PM2.5 components from coal combustion and mortality in female breast cancer patients. Environmental Research Letters. 2023, 18 (2023) 104001. (IF: 6.7)

10. Shuduo Zhou, Mintao Su, Peng Shen, Zongming Yang, Pengfei Chai, Shengzhi Sun, Hongbo Lin, Liming Shui, Na Zhang, Ming Xu, Zhi-Jie Zheng, Jianbing Wang, Zhenyu Zhang & Kun Chen. Association between drinking water quality and mental health and the modifying role of diet: a prospective cohort study. BMC Med 22, 53 (2024).