





  • 副研究员、 博士生导师
  • [email protected]
  • 北京市海淀区直播大秀 路38号

直播大秀-大秀直播-大秀直播app 妇幼卫生学系副研究员,系副主任,博士生导师。北京大学医学部-潍坊市妇幼健康联合研究中心管理委员会副主任。2011年毕业于浙江大学药直播大秀 药学系,获学士学位,2011-2013年在美国南加州大学药直播大秀 药理学系学习获硕士学位,2013-2020年在美国霍普金斯大学布隆伯格直播大秀 工作学习获得公共卫生硕士学位(2013-2015)、妇幼健康方向博士学位(2015-2018)及妇幼健康方向博士后(2018-2020)。Phi Beta Kappa荣誉学会会员。担任全国公共卫生与预防医学名词编写委员会妇幼卫生学名词编写分委员会委员,中国学生营养与健康促进会心理健康分会副主任委员,入选国家级青年人才计划第七届中国科协“青年人才托举工程”。研究成果发表在在儿童健康/医学/行为科学/发展心理学领域国际知名杂志(JAMA Psychiatry,JAMA Open Network,Journal of Pediatrics,JAMA Pediatrics,Autism research,Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry)。





1. 2023-2025,孕期对乙酰氨基酚暴露对婴幼儿神经发育的影响及潜在机制:基于出生队列的研究, 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 82204055, 在研, 主持

2. 2001-2021,Preterm birth, maternal and cord blood metabolome, and child metabolic risk (R01HD041702), 资金来源:Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH),参与

3. 2014-2022,MCH Autism Longitudinal Data Project (R40MC27443;UJ2MC31074),资金来源:Maternal and Child Health Bureau at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA),参与


1. Zhichao Yuan; Hai-Jun Wang; Qin Li; Tao Su; Jie Yang; Junjun Chen; Yuanzhou Peng; Shuang Zhou; Heling Bao; Shusheng Luo; Hui Wang; Jue Liu; Na Han; Yuming Guo; Yuelong Ji ; Risk of de novo hypertensive disorders of pregnancy after exposure to PM1 and PM2.5 from preconception to delivery in Tongzhou, Beijing, China: a birth cohort study, JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 2023, 9(e41442)

2. Zhichao Yuan; Qin Li; Tao Su; Jie Yang; Junjun Chen; Yuanzhou Peng; Shuang Zhou; Heling Bao; Shusheng Luo; Hui Wang; Jue Liu; Na Han; Yuming Guo; Yuelong Ji(共同通讯作者); Hai-Jun Wang; Effects of fine ambient particulate matters on de novo hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and blood pressure before 20 weeks, Environmental Research, 2022, 218(115023)

3. Hui Wang; Hai-Jun Wang; Mingyuan Jiao; Na Han; Jinhui Xu; Heling Bao; Zheng Liu; Yuelong Ji ; Associations between Dynamic Vitamin D Level and Thyroid Function during Pregnancy,Nutrients, 2022, 14(18): 3780

4. Y. Ji, R. E. Azuine, Y. Zhang, W. Hou, X. Hong, G. Wang, A. Riley, C. Pearson, B. Zuckerman and X. Wang. “Association of Cord Plasma Biomarkers of In Utero Acetaminophen Exposure With Risk of Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder in Childhood”. In: JAMA psychiatry (2019), pp. 1–11.

5. R. E. Azuine, Y. Ji(共同第一作者), H.-Y. Chang, Y. Kim, H. Ji, J. DiBari, X. Hong, G. Wang, G. K. Singh, C. Pearson et al. “Prenatal Risk Factors and Perinatal and Postnatal Outcomes Associated With Maternal Opioid Exposure in an Urban, Low-Income, Multiethnic US Population”. In: JAMA network open 2.6 (2019), e196405–e196405.

6. Y. Ji, X. Hong, G. Wang, N. Chatterjee, A. W. Riley, L.-C. Lee, P. J. Surkan, T. R. Bartell, B. Zuckerman and X. Wang. “A prospective birth cohort study on early childhood lead levels and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: new insight on sex differences”. In: The Journal of pediatrics (2018).

7. Y. Ji, A. Riley, L.-C. Lee, X. Hong, G. Wang, H.-J. Tsai, N. Mueller, C. Pearson, J. Thermitus, A. Panjwani et al. “Maternal biomarkers of acetaminophen use and offspring attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”. In: Brain sciences 8.7 (2018), p. 127.

8. Y. Ji, A. W. Riley, L.-C. Lee, H. Volk, X. Hong, G. Wang, R. Angomas, T. Stivers, A. Wahl, H. Ji et al. “A prospective birth cohort study on maternal cholesterol levels and offspring attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: new insight on sex differences”. In: Brain sciences 8.1 (2017), p. 3.

9. Y. Ji, X. Kong, G. Wang, X. Hong, X. Xu, Z. Chen, T. Bartell, X. Xu, G. Tang, F. Hou et al. “Distribution and determinants of plasma homocysteine levels in rural Chinese twins across the lifespan”. In: Nutrients 6.12 (2014), pp. 5900–5914.

10. G. Wang, S. Divall, S. Radovick, D. Paige, Y. Ning, Z. Chen, Y. Ji, X. Hong, S. O. Walker, D. Caruso, et al. “Preterm birth and random plasma insulin levels at birth and in early childhood”. In: JAMA 311.6 (2014), pp. 587–596.