





  • 研究员,博士生导师
  • [email protected]
  • 北京市海淀区直播大秀 路38号
  • 北京大学





1. Lingxia Qiao#, Wei Zhao#, Chao Tang*, Qing Nie*, Lei Zhang*, Network design principle for dual function of adaptation and noise attenuation, submitted.

2. Yucen Han, Yucheng Hu*, Pingwen Zhang*, Lei Zhang*, Transition Pathways between Defect Patterns in Confined Nematic Liquid Crystals, submitted.

3. Chunhe Li*, Lei Zhang*,Qing Nie*, Landscape reveals the underlying mechanisms for sharpening the gene expression boundaries, BMC Systems Biology 12:67, 2018.  

4. Lina Meinecke, Praveer Sharma, Huijing Du, Lei Zhang, Qing Nie*, Thomas Schilling*, Modeling craniofacial development reveals spatiotemporal constraints on robust patterning of the mandibular arch, PLoS Comput Biol 14(11): e1006569, 2018.  

5. Boyan Li, Lei Zhang*, Chengliang Li, Qiulin Li, Jun Chen, Guogang Shu, Yuqing Weng, Ben Xu, Shenyang Hu*, Wei Liu*, Phase Field Simulation of Critical Nuclei and Minimum Energy Paths of Cu/Mn/Ni Precipitates in Fe-Cu-Mn (Ni) Alloys, Journal of Nuclear Materials 507, 59-67, 2018.  

6. Peijia Yu, Qing Nie*, Chao Tang*, Lei Zhang*, Nanog induced intermediate state in regulating stem cell differentiation and reprogramming, BMC Systems Biology 12:22, 2018.  

7. Bihai Shi#, Xiaolu Guo#, Ying Wang, Ken-ichiro Hayashi, Jinzhi Lei, Lei Zhang*, Yuling Jiao*, Feedback from Lateral Organs Controls Shoot Apical Meristem Growth by Modulating Auxin Transport, Developmental Cell, 44, 204-216, 2018.  

8. Boyan Li, Lei Zhang*, Chengliang Li, Shenyang Hu, Qiulin Li, Jun Chen, Guogang Shu, Yuqing Weng, Ben Xu*, Wei Liu*, Finding Non-Classical Critical Nuclei and Minimum Energy Path of Cu Precipitates in Fe-Cu Alloys, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 25 085006, 2017.

9. Yanru An, Guosheng Xue, Xiaowei Zhou, Weichuan Yu, Toyotaka Ishibashi, Lei Zhang*, Yan Yan*, Apical constriction is driven by a pulsatile apical myosin network in delaminating Drosophila neuroblasts, Development, 144, 2153-2164, 2017.  

10. Weikang Wang#, Kuan Tao#, Jin Wang, Gen Yang, Qi Ouyang, Yugang Wang, Lei Zhang*, Feng Liu*, Exploring the inhibition effect of membrane tension on cell polarization, PLoS Comput Biol 13(1): e1005354. doi:10.1371/ journal.pcbi.1005354, 2017.