


Dianjianyi Sun

Dianjianyi Sun

Dianjianyi Sun

  • Assistant Professor
  • [email protected]
  • Xueyuan Road 38, Haidian District, Beijing, China
  • Peking University
Personal profile

Education and Work experience:

1. Assistant professor, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics (since 2019) Peking University Health Science Center

2. Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Epidemiology (2015-2019) Tulane University

3. PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (2010-2015) Peking University Health Science Center

4. BS Preventive Medicine (2005-2010) Wuhan University

Main research directions

1. Chronic disease epidemiology

2. Genomics, epigenomics, and multi-omics

3. Aging and life-course epidemiology


Representative scientific research projects

1. China Ministry of Science and Technology: Study of standard operating procedure of techniques appropriate for mega- and prospective cohort study in China (2012 to 2014), Sub-investigator

2. Special fund for Health scientific research in the public welfare: China environmental epidemiology: A cohort study in the Chinese twin population (2015 to 2018), Sub-investigator

3. National Natural Science Foundation of China: A prospective Chinese cohort-based epigenetic study of coronary heart disease (2014 to 2018), Sub-investigator

4. National Natural Science Foundation of China: Environmental Risk Factor Study of Cardiovascular Diseases Based on Twins Reared Apart and Together supported (2013 to 2015), Sub-investigator


10 representative papers

1. Sun D, Zhou T, Heianza Y, Li X, Fan M, Fonseca V, Qi L*. Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension: A Study on Bidirectional Causality. Circulation Research 2019; 124:6:930-937.

2. Sun D#, Zhang T#, Su S#, Hao G, Chen T, Li QZ, Bazzano L, He J, Wang X, Li S, Chen W*. Body Mass Index Drives Changes in DNA Methylation: A Longitudinal Study. Circulation Research 2019; 125:9:824-833.

3. Sun D, Wang T, Heianza Y, Lv J, Han L, Rabito F, Kelly T, Li S, He J, Bazzano L, Chen W, Qi L*. A History of Asthma From Childhood and Left Ventricular Mass in Asymptomatic Young Adults: The Bogalusa Heart Study. JACC: Heart Failure 2017; 5:7:497-504.

4. Sun D, Li X, Heianza Y, Nisa H, Shang X, Rabito F, Kelly T, Harville E, Li S, He J, Bazzano L, Chen W, Qi L*. History of Asthma From Childhood and Arterial Stiffness in Asymptomatic Young Adults. Hypertension 2018; 71:5:928-936.

5. Sun D, Zhou T, Li X, Heianza Y, Liang Z, Bray GA, Sacks FM, Qi L*. Genetic Susceptibility, Dietary Protein Intake, and Changes of Blood Pressure: The POUNDS Lost Trial. Hypertension 2019; 74:6:1460-1467.

6. Sun D, Heianza Y, Li X, Shang X, Smith SR, Bray GA, Sacks FM, Qi L*. Genetic, epigenetic and transcriptional variations at NFATC2IP locus with weight loss in response to diet interventions: The POUNDS Lost Trial. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 2018; 20:9:2298-2303.

7. Lee Y, Sun D, Ori APS, Lu AT, Seeboth A, Harris SE, Deary IJ, Marioni RE, Soerensen M, Mengel-From J, Hjelmborg J, Christensen K, Wilson JG, Levy D, Reiner AP, Chen W, Li S, Harris JR, Magnus P, Aviv A, Jugessur A, Horvath S*. Epigenome-wide association study of leukocyte telomere length. Aging (Albany NY) 2019; 11:16:5876-5894.

8. Sun D, Wang T, Heianza Y, Huang T, Shang X, Lv J, Li S, Harville E, Chen W, Fonseca V, Qi L*. Birthweight and cardiometabolic risk patterns in multiracial children. International Journal of Obesity 2018; 42:1:20-27.

9. Sun D, Lv J, Chen W, Li S, Guo YY, Bian Z, Yu C, Zhou H, Tan Y, Chen J, Chen Z, Li L*, Collins R, Peto R, Lancaster G, Yang X, Williams A, Smith M, Yang L, Chang Y, Millwood I, Chen Y, Lewington S, Hou C, Qingdao Q, Pang Z, Wang S, Zhang Y, Licang KZ, Liu S, and On behalf of the China Kadoorie Biobank collaborative group. Spicy food consumption is associated with adiposity measures among half a million Chinese people: the China Kadoorie Biobank study. BMC public health 2014; 14:1293.

10. Sun D, Li S, Zhang X, Fernandez C, Chen W, Srinivasan SR, Berenson GS*. Uric acid is associated with metabolic syndrome in children and adults in a community: the Bogalusa Heart Study. PloS one 2014; 9:10:e89696.