


Ruibin Xi

Ruibin Xi

Ruibin Xi

  • Assistant Professor
  • [email protected]
  • Xueyuan Road 38, Haidian District, Beijing, China
  • Peking University
Personal profile


Washington University in St. Louis, Ph.D. in Mathematics, 2009

Washington University in St. Louis, M.A. in Mathematics, 2007

Peking University, M.A. in Mathematics, 2005

Inner Mongolia University, B.S. in Mathematics, 2002


Associate Professor/Research Fellow, School of Mathematical Sciences and Center for Statistical Science, Peking University. Sep. 2019 - Now

Assistant Professor/Research Fellow, School of Mathematical Sciences and Center for Statistical Science, Peking University. Sep. 2012 - 2018

Research Associate, Center for Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School. Aug. 2009 - Aug.2012


Best Poster Award in Asian Pacific Bioinformatics Conference 2016

Robert Bohrer Award for Student Papers in Statistics, University of Illinois, 2007.

Judith Ross Scholarship in Mathematics & Physics, Washington University in St. Louis, 2007.

First Year Graduate Student Fellowship, Washington University in St. Louis, 2005.

Second Prize in China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modelling, 2000 & 2001.


Main research directions

Statistical analysis of next-generation sequencing, bioinformatics, cancer genomics, precision on-cology, single cell RNA sequencing, statistical computing, big data analysis, high-dimensinal data analysis, Bayesian statistics.

Representative scientific research projects

Statistical analysis of ambient air pollution, macro-economy and human health (2016), Responsible for RMB U430,000 (around US $70,000), National Key Basic Research Program of China, Co-Principal Investigator

Big data driven models and algorithms for management decision (2015), Responsible for RMB U320,000 (around US $50,000), National Natural Science Foundation of China, Co-Principal Investigator

Statistical analyses of genomic variations based on high-throughtput sequencing data (2015), RMB U600,000 (around US $100,000), National Natural Science Foundation of China, Principal Investigator

Statistical Learning of Unstructured Data: Mathematical Foundation and Algorithms (2015), Responsible for RMB U580,000 (around US $100,000), National Key Basic Research Program of China, Co-Principal Investigator

Nonlinear dimension reduction of high dimensional data (2013), RMBU30,000(aroundUS$5,000),Microsoft-PKU Joint Lab Grant, Principal Investigator

Statistical analysis of cancer genomics data (2013), RMB U300,000 (around US $50,000), 985 Project, Peking University, Principal Investigator

Agilent 2011 eMerging Insights Grants (2011), US $75,000, Co-Principal Investigator


10 representative papers

1. Xia,Y., Liu, Y., Deng, M. and Xi, R.* (2018+) Detecting virus integration sites based on multiple related sequencing data by VirTect, BMC Medical Genomics,Accepted.

2. Xia, Y., Liu, Y., Deng, M. and Xi, R.* (2017) SVmine improves structural variation detection by integrative mining of predictions from multiple algorithms, Bioinformatics, 1;33(21):3348-3354.

3. Yuan, H. Xi, R.*, Chen, C. and Deng, M.* (2017) Differential network analysis via lasso penalized D-trace loss, Biometrika, 104 (4):755-770.

4. Xia, Y., Liu Y., Deng, M. and Xi, R. * (2017) Pysim-sv: a package for

simulating structural variation data with GC-biases, BCM Bioinformatics,

18(Suppl 3):53.

5. Xi, R.*, Lee, S., Xia, Y., Kim, T. and Park, P.* (2016) Copy number analysis of whole-genome data using BIC-seq2 and its application to detection of cancer susceptibility variants, Nucleic Acids Research, 44(13): 6274-86.

6. Xi, R.*, Li, Y. and Hu, Y. (2015) Bayesian quantile regression based on the empirical likelihood with spike and slab priors, Bayesian Analysis,


7. Xi, R. and Lin, N.* (2015) Direct regression modelling of high-order moments in big data, Statistics and Its Interface, 9(4):445-452.

8. Yang, L., Luquette, L.J., Gehlenborg, N., Xi, R., Haseley, P.S., Hsieh, C.H.,Zhang, C., Ren, X., Protopopov, A., Chin, L., Kucherlapati, R., Lee, C. and Park P.J.* (2013) Diverse mechanisms of somatic structural variations in human cancer genomes, Cell, 153(4):919-929.

9. Xi, R., Lin, N., Chen, Y.* and Kim, Y. (2012) Compression and aggregation of Bayesian estimates for data intensive computing, Knowledge and Information Systems, 33(1):191-212.

10. Xi, R., Hadjipanayis, A.G., Luquette, L.J., Kim, T.M., Lee, E., Zhang, J.H.,Johnson, M.D., Muzny, D.M., Wheeler, D.A., Kucherlapati, R., and Park, P.* (2011) Copy number alteration detection in sequencing data using the Bayesian information criterion, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA,108(46):E1128-1136.