


Hao Ge

Hao Ge

Hao Ge

  • Associate Professor (tenured)
  • [email protected]
  • Xueyuan Road 38, Haidian District, Beijing, China
  • Peking University
Personal profile

Hao Ge is a tenured Associate Professor in Beijing International Center of Mathematical Research and Principle Investigator in Biomedical Pioneering Innovation Center of Peking University. His main research interests are stochastic process and statistical learning in statistical physics, chemistry, and biology. In 2008, he received his PhD degree from the School of Mathematical Sciences in Peking University. He worked as a lecturer and associate professor at School of Mathematical Sciences of Fudan University from 2008 to 2011. During 2010-2011, he was a visiting scholar at Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology in Harvard University. He joined Peking University in October 2011, and was tenured in 2018. He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers. He was awarded the Ninth “Zhong Jiaqing” Mathematical Award of Chinese Mathematical Society in 2009, National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations Award of Ministry of Education in 2010 and Outstanding Youth Foundation from National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2016.  

Main research directions

Stochastic process and statistical learning in statistical physics, chemistry, and biology.

1. Stochastic theory of nonequilibrium thermodynamics and statistical mechanics;

2. High-dimensional statistical learning in single-cell biology;

3. Stochastic modeling in systems biology and biophysical chemistry.

Representative scientific research projects

1. Outstanding Youth Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China. 2017–2019 Project: Interfaces between stochastic processes and biophysical chemistry. Principle Investigator (Grant no. 11622101, 1,300,000 RMB)                                         

2. National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China.                        2015–2017 Project: Technology and device for real-time 3D imaging of single-cell dynamics. Co-Principle Investigator (Grant no. 2015AA020406, 600,000 RMB)                                                                                                                                       

3. General Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China.                            2014–2017 Project: Theory and models for DNA allostery. Principle Investigator (Grant no. 21373021, 600,000 RMB)                                                                                                

4. Foundation for National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations, China.                               2011–2015 Project: Stochastic models in biochemistry and statistical physics. Principle Investigator (Grant no. 201119, 560,000 RMB)                                                                                         

5. Youth Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China                                                                                 2010–2012 Project: Applications of stochastic processes in modern nonequilibrum statistical physics and biochemical models.        Principle Investigator (Grant no. 10901040, 160,000 RMB)


10 representative papers

1. You, Z.Y., Li, L.Y., Lu, J.F. * and Ge, H. *: Integrated tempering enhanced sampling method as the infinite switching limit of simulated tempering. J. Chem. Phys. 149, 084114 (2018) (*co-corresponding authors)

2. Gao, S., …, Ge, H. *, Qiao, J. * and Tang, F.C. *: Tracing the temporal-spatial transcriptome landscapes of the human fetal digestive tract using single-cell RNA-sequencing. Nat. Cell Biol. 20, 721–734 (2018) (*co-corresponding authors)

3. Ge, H., Wu, P.P., Qian, H. and Xie, X.S.: Relatively slow stochastic gene-state switching in the presence of positive feedback significantly broadens the region of bimodality through stablizing the uninduced phenotypic state. Plos Comput. Biol. 14(3): e1006051 (2018)

4. Ge, H., Jiang, D.Q. and Jia, C.: Cycle symmetry, limit theorems, and fluctuation theorems for diffusion processes on the circle. Stoc. Proc. Appl. 127: 1897–1925 (2017)

5. Zhao, Z.Q., Xie, X.S. * and Ge, H. *: Nonequilibrium Relaxation of Conformational Dynamics Facilitates Catalytic Reaction in an Elastic Network Model of T7 DNA Polymerase. J. Phys. Chem. B 120, 2869−2877 (2016) (*co-corresponding authors)

6. Ge, H., Qian, H. and Xie, X.S.: Stochastic phenotype transition of a single cell in an intermediate region of gene state switching. Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 078101 (2015)

7. Chong, S.S., Chen, C.Y., Ge, H. and Xie, X.S.: Mechanism of transcriptional bursting in bacteria. Cell 158, 314–326 (2014)

8. Ge, H., Qian, M. and Qian, H.: Stochastic theory of nonequilibrium steady states. Part II: Applications in chemical biophysics. Phys. Rep. 510, 87-118 (2012)

9. Ge, H. and Qian, H.: The physical origins of entropy production, free energy dissipation and their mathematical representations. Phys. Rev. E 81 051133 (2010)

10. Ge, H. and Qian, H.: Thermodynamic limit of a nonequilibrium steady state: Maxwell-type construction for a bistable biochemical system. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 148103 (2009)