


Mingyao Ai

Mingyao Ai

Mingyao Ai

  • Professor
  • [email protected]
  • Xueyuan Road 38, Haidian District, Beijing, China
  • Peking University
Personal profile


2000.09-2003.06, Ph.D., School of Math, Nankai University. Supervisor: Prof. Runchu Zhang.

1988.09-1991.06, M.Sc., Dept. of Math, CCNU. Supervisor: Prof. Mingyuan Xia.

1984.09-1988.06, B.Sc., Dept. of Math, Central China Normal University (CCNU).


2013.03-present, Director of Statistics Group, School of Mathematical Sciences, PKU.

2012.08-present, Professor of Statistics, School of Math Sciences and Center for Statistical Science, PKU.

2008.05-present, Ph.D. Graduate Supervisor of Statistics, School of Math Sciences, PKU.

2006.08-2012.07, Associate Professor of Statistics, School of Math Sciences, PKU.

2005.06-2006.07, Assistant Professor of Statistics, School of Math Sciences, PKU.

2003.07-2005.05, Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Mathematical Sciences, PKU.

1995.09-2003.06, Associate Professor of Math, Dept. of Computer Science, HNIFE.


2017.08-present, Associate editor, Statistica Sinica.

2014.04-present, Associate editor, Statistics and Probability Letters (SPL).

2014.01-present, Member of editorial committee, Journal of System Science and Mathematical Science (Chinese series).

2012.05-present, Associate editor, STAT (an electronic journal of the International Statistical Institute).

2012.01-present, Associate editor, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (JSPI).

Professional Services

2018.10-present, General Secretary, Chinese Society of Probability and Statistics.

2018.09-present, Member of editorial committee for Statistics and Data Science Series, Science Press.

2017.11-present, Standing council member, Chinese Association of Applied Statistics.

2016.11-present, Vice President, Committee of Uniform Design, Chinese Math Society.

2015.04-present, Vice President, Committee of High-dimentional Data Statistics, CAAS.

2014.11-present, President, Committee of Design of Experiments, CAAS.

2014.09-present, General Secretary, Committee of Spatial Statistics, CAAS.

2014.08-present, Standing council member, Higher Education Division, Chinese Society of Statistics Education.

2013.08-2017.10, Council member, Chinese Association of Applied Statistics.

2012.10-2016.10, Standing council member, Chinese Society of Uniform Designs.

2012.08-2015.07, Elected member, IMS-China Committee.

2009.10-2014.10, Vice President, Committee of Design of Experiments, CAAS.

2009.08-2017.10, Vice General Secretary, Chinese Association of Applied Statistics (CAAS).

2006.11-2014.10, Vice General Secretary, Chinese Society of Probability and Statistics.


2018.07, Supervisor of 2018 Peking University Excellent PhD Thesis (Dr. Yaping Wang).

2015.07, Supervisor of 2015 Peking University Excellent PhD Thesis (Dr. Kang Li).

2012.12, Peking University 2012 P&G Fellowship.

2004.05, Nominated by Nankai University for the National Excellent PhD Thesises of China.

1999.05, Henan Province Natural Science Excellent Paper Award (2nd class).


Main research directions

Design and analysis of experiments; Computer experiments; Big data analysis; Applied statistics and probability.

Representative scientific research projects

2017.01-2020.12, The research on the fundamental theories of statistical inference for experimental designs (NNSF of China, PI, No. 11671019)

2016.08-2020.07, Statistical diagnosis models for air quality (China’s National Key Research Special Program grant 2016YFC0207700)

2014.01-2018.12, Methods, theories and applications of statistical analysis for biological and medical data (NNSF of China, Key grant 11331011)

2013.01-2016.12, The research on the newest theories of the design and modeling for computer experiments (NNSF of China, PI, No. 11271032)

2010.10-2011.12, The further study on the construction theory of nested space-filling designs (SRF for ROCS, State Education Ministry.)

2010.01-2012.12, The study on the overall design and analysis of computer and practical experiments (NNSF of China, PI, No. 10971004)

2007.08-2011.12, The essential study on the properties of the Chinese medicines based on three components constitution (Director of Data Analysis, The National Basic Research Project of China (973), No. 2007CB512605)

2007.01-2009.12, The study on the construction and analysis of some newest classes of designs in complex system experiments (NNSF of China, PI, No. 10671007)

2006.01-2008.12, The further study on the construction and analysis of some general types of optimal factorial designs (NNSF of China, Co-PI, No. 10571093)

2004.07, The study on theories and methods for the construction of optimal fractional factorial designs (The 35th group of CPSF, PI, No. 20040350240)

10 representative papers

1. Yu, Jun; Kong, Xiangshun; Ai, Mingyao; Tsui, Kwok Leung (2018). Optimal designs for dose-response models with linear effects of covariates. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 127, 217-228.

2. Kong, Xiangshun; Ai, Mingyao; Tsui, Kwok Leung (2018). Design for sequential follow-up experiments in computer emulations. Technometrics 60(1), 61-69.

3. Kong, Xiangshun; Ai, Mingyao; Tsui, Kwok Leung (2018). Flexible sliced designs for computer experiments. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematic 70(3), 631-646.

4. Yu, Jun; Ai, Mingyao; Wang, Yaping (2018). Optimal designs for linear models with Fredholm-type errors. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 194, 65-74.

5. Wang, Yaping; Ai, Mingyao (2017). Definitive Screening Designs with Extreme Numbers of Level Changes. Statistics and Probability Letters 131, 13-18.

6. Zheng, Wei; Ai, Mingyao; Li, Kang (2017). Identification of universally optimal circular designs for the interference model. Annals of Statistics 45(4), 1462-1487.

7. Kong, Xiangshun; Ai, Mingyao; Mukerjee, Rahul (2017). Central limit theorems for four new types of U-designs. Statistics 51(3), 655-667.

8. Jiang, Bochuan; Ai, Mingyao (2017). Construction of uniform U-designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 181, 1-10.

9. Ai, Mingyao; Liang, Jiajuan; Tang, Man-Lai (2016). A generalized T3 graph for testing high dimensional normality. Frontiers of Mathematics in China 11(6), 1363-1378.

10. Wang, Yaping; Ai, Mingyao (2016). Optimal designs for multiple treatments with unequal variances. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 171, 175-183.