1. 中华人民共和国科学技术部,典型新兴农用化学品的暴露特征及其生殖健康风险评估,科技部政府间国际科技创新合作(中国和美国),2022YFE0134900,2023-01 至 2025-12,200万元,在研,骨干
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3. 直播大秀-大秀直播-大秀直播app 青年人才计划,金属元素与神经管畸形发生风险的病例对照研究,2016/12-2018/12,已结题,主持
4. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,2122051,无机指纹与常见致病菌快速检定,2012/01-2014/12,11万元,已结题,参加
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,30972434,“同体血、尿、发、脏器铅指纹差异现象”成因研究,2010/01-2012/12,30万元,已结题,参加
1. Lailai Yan#, Juntuo Zhou#, Dong fang Wang,Dan dan Si,Ya qiong Liu,Li jun Zhong* Yuxin Yin*. Unbiased lipidomic profiling reveals metabolomic changes during the onset and antipsychotics treatment of schizophrenia disease, Metabolomics, 2018, 14(80): 80.
2. Lailai Yan#, Bin Wang#, Zhenjiang Li, Yaqiong Liu, Wenhua Huo, Jingyu Wang*, Zhiwen Li*, Aiguo Ren, Association of essential trace metals in maternal hair with the risk of neural tube defects in offspring, Birth Defects Research A, 2017, 109(3): 234-243.
3. Mengyuan Ren#, Lailai Yan#, Yiming Pang, Xiaoqian Jia, Jing Huang , Guofeng Shen, Hefa Cheng, Xilong Wang, Bo Pan, Zhiwen Li, Bin Wang. External interference from ambient air pollution on using hair metal(loid)s for biomarker-based exposure assessment. Environment International, 2020, 137, 105584.
4. Xiangrong Xu# , Yuanyuan Wang#, Na Han, Xiangming Yang, Yuelong Ji, Jue Liu, Chuyao Jin , Lizi Lin , Shuang Zhou, Shusheng Luo, Heling Bao, Zheng Liu, Bin Wang, Lailai Yan*, Hai-Jun Wang* and Xu Ma*. Early Pregnancy Exposure to Rare Earth Elements and Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Nested Case-Control Study. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2021, 12: 774142.
5. Minghao Wang#, Lailai Yan#, Siqi Dou#, Liu Yang, Yiwen Zhang, Wenzhong Huang, Shanshan Li, Peng Lu*, Yuming Guo*, Blood multiple heavy metals exposure and lung function in young adults: A prospective Cohort study in China, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 459, 132064.
6. Yongxiu Hao#, Lailai Yan#, Yiming Pang, Huina Yan, Le Zhang, Jufen Liu, Nan Li, Bin Wang, Yali Zhang* , Zhiwen Li, Rongwei Ye, Aiguo Ren. Maternal serum level of manganese, single nucleotide polymorphisms, and risk of spontaneous preterm birth: A nested case-control study in China. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 262, 114187.
7. Bing Cao#*, Ruiqi Wang#, Angela T.H. Kwan, Roger S. McIntyre, Lailai Yan * Association between rare earth elements and depression: Evidence from pilot mice model of chronic unpredictable mild stress-induced depression and human studies of major depressive disorder, Chemosphere, 2023, 345: 140525.
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9. Yiming Pang, Yunhe Guo, Kexin Li, Mengyuan Ren, Xiaoqian Jia, Zewu Li, Bin Wang*, Lailai Yan*, Zhiwen Li. Potential effect of germanium exposure on the risk of influenza-like illness in housewives in Shanxi Province, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 682, 208-212.
10. Yi Bai, Changmao Long, Guiping Hu, Di Zhou, Xiaoying Gao , Zhangjian Chen , Tiancheng Wang, Shanfa Yu , Youli Han*, Lailai Yan*. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol, 2019, 72: 103237.