1. 国家自然科学基金项目“细胞外囊泡在空气污染引起动脉粥样硬化中的机制研究”(2023-2026),负责人
2. 北京市自然科学基金项目“细胞外囊泡在空气污染引起内皮细胞损伤与单核细胞泡沫化中的机制研究”(2022-2024),负责人
3. 国家自然科学基金项目“失功能性高密度脂蛋白在PM2.5暴露引起内皮功能紊乱中的机制研究”(2018-2021),负责人
4. 科技部重点研发计划课题“大气污染物高分辨率时空变化特征和长期暴露评价关键技术研究”(2017-2021),负责人
5. 北京市自然科学基金-北京市科学技术研究院联合项目“北京市典型社区空气污染暴露特征及高血压患者健康风险预测研究”(2015-2017),负责人
6. 国家自然基金重大项目子课题“大气二次污染形成的化学过程及其健康影响”(2012-2016),负责人
7. 国家环保公益性行业重大专项课题“我国空气环境基准技术框架与案例预研究”(2010-2012),负责人
8. 科技部“863”重点项目课题“建立基于中国人群颗粒物暴露研究的健康风险评价技术”(2008-2011)负责人
9. 国家环保公益性行业科研专项课题“我国典型地区主要大气污染物的健康风险评估及相应环境质量标准修订预研究”(2008-2010),负责人
10. 国家自然科学基金委重点项目“大气中细颗粒和超细颗粒的环境行为、界面过程及健康效应”(2007-2010),骨干
1. Wang T, Song XM, Xu HB, Zhu YT, Li LJ, Sun XY, Chen J, Liu BB, Zhao Q, Zhang Y, Yuan NM, Liu LY, Fang JK, Xie YF, Liu S, Wu RS, He B, Cao JJ, Huang W*. Combustion-derived particulate PAHs associated with small airway dysfunction in elderly patients with COPD. Environ Science & Technology. 2022. 56 (15):10868-10878.
2. Fang JK, Song XM, Xu HB, Wu RS, Song J, Xie YF, Xu X, Zeng YP, Wang T, Zhu YT, Yuan NM, Jia JZ, Xu BP, Huang W*. Associations of ultrafine and fine particles with childhood emergency room visits for respiratory diseases in a megacity. 2022. 77(4):391-397 (with commentary by Zhang RY, Johnson NM, Li YX on “Establishing the exposure-outcome relation between airborne particulate matter and children’s health” on page 322-323).
3. Zou XX, Fang JK†, Yang Y, Wu RS, Wang S, Xu HB, Jia JJ, Yang HS, Yuan NM, Hu MN, Zhao YZ, Xie YF, Zhu YT, Wang T, Deng YZ, Ma X, Huang W*. Maternal exposure to traffic-related ambient particles and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus with isolated fasting hyperglycaemia: a retrospective analysis in Beijing, China. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 2022. 242:113973.
4. Liu S, Wu RS, Zhu YT, Wang T, Fang JK, Xie YF, Yuan NM, Xu HB, Song XM, Huang W*. The effect of using personal-level indoor air cleaners and respirators on biomarkers of cardiorespiratory health a systematic review. Special Issue on WHO AQG Updates. Environment International. 2022. 158: 106981.
5. Xu HB, Zhu YT, Li LJ, Liu SC, Song XM, Yi TC, Wang Y, Wang T, Zhao Q, Liu LY, Wu RS, Liu S, Feng BH, Chen J, Zheng LM, Rajagopalan S, Brook RD, Li JP, Cao JJ, Huang W*. Combustion-derived particulate organic matter associated with hemodynamic abnormality and metabolic dysfunction in healthy adults. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021. 418:126621.
6. Rajagopalan S (Chair) *, Brauer M, Bhatnagar A, Bhatt DL, Brook JR, Huang W, Munzel T, Newby D, Siegel J, Brook RB (Vice Chair) * (listed in alphabetic order). Personal-Level Protective Actions Against Particulate Matter Air Pollution Exposure: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2020. 142: e411–e431.
7. Xu HB, Wang T, Liu SC, Brook RD, Feng BH, Zhao Q, Song XM, Yi TC, Chen J, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Zheng LM, Rajagopalan S, Li JP, Huang W*. Air pollution associated with changes in biomarkers of atherosclerotic plaque instability and thrombosis in healthy adults: the Beijing AIRCHD study. Circulation Research. 2019. 124 (5): E30-43.
8. Li JP, Zhou CP, Xu HB#, Brook RD, Liu SC, Yi TC, Wang Y, Zhao Q, Chen J, Song XM, Feng BH, Liu S, Zhang Y, Wu RS, Pennathur S, Rajagopalan S, Huo Y, Zheng LM*, Huang W*. Air pollution associated with high-density lipoprotein dysfunction among healthy adults, the Beijing AIRCHD study. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2019. 39 (3): 513-522. (with editorial //www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/ATVBAHA.119. 312398)
9. Huang W and Morawska L. Face masks could raise pollution risks. Nature (Comment). 2019. 574: 29-30.
10. Wu RS, Song XM, Chen DH, Zhong LJ, Huang XL, Bai YC, Hu W, Siqi Ye, Xu HB, Feng BH, Wang T, Zhu YT, Liu S, Chen J, Wang XM, Zhang YH, Huang W*. Health benefit of air quality improvement: results from a long time-series analysis in Guangzhou, China (2006-2016). Environment International. 2019. 126:552-559