Health risk behaviors in children and adolescents
Growth and development and related health risk factors
School health policy and management
1. Feasibility study of a peer-led, school-based, adolescent smoking prevention intervention (ASSIST) in culturally different middle income countries. 2022-2024, supported by the UK Medical Research Council, Principal investigator of China
2. A qualitative study on environmental health management of school infrastructure, 2016-2019, Supported by Ministry of Education, Principal investigator
3. The Pilot study of Chinese Youth Tobacco Survey, 2013-2014, Supported by Chinese Center for Disease Control and prevention, Principal investigator
4. The main health problems surveillance among students, 2011-2012, Supported by special funds of Ministry of Education, Principal investigator
5. 2019 Chinese National Survey on Students’ Constitution and Health, 2019-2021, Supported by Ministry of Education, the key member of the research team
6. National youth myopia survey, 2018, Supported by National Health Commission, the key member of the research team
7. The data analysis of 2014 Chinese National Survey on Students’ Constitution and Health, 2014-2015, Supported by Ministry of Education, the key member of the research team
1. Yan XJ, Hu PJ (corresponding author), Ma N, Luo DM, Zhang JS, Wang JY, Dong YH, Xing Yi, Song Y (corresponding author), Ma J, Patton GC, Sawyer SM. Coverage of school health monitoring systems in China: a large national cross-sectional survey. The Lancet Regional Health Western Pacific (in press), DOI://
2. Ma N, Yan XJ, Zhang JS, Luo DM, Wang JY, Hu PJ (corresponding author), Song Y (corresponding author), Ma J. Implementation of physical education teaching and its association with students’ qualification rate of physical fitness in primary and secondary schools in China 2018: a cross-sectional study. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2021, 37(4): 646-650. [In Chinese]
3. Dong YH, Hu PJ(Co-first author),Song Y, Dong B, Zou ZY, Wang ZH, Xu RB, Luo DM, Gao DS, Wen B, Ma YH, Ma J, Tian XB, Huang XN, Narayan A, Patton GC. National and subnational trends in mortality and causes of death in Chinese children and adolescents aged 5-19 years from 1953 to 2016. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2020, 67(5S): s3-s13.
4. Hu PJ, Zhang WJ, Ma YH. Intervention strategies for adolescent smoking behavior. Health Medicine Research and Practice, 2018, 15(5): 4-9. [In Chinese].
5. Hu PJ, Ji CY, Song Y. Analysis on youth access and availability to cigarettes in Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai. Chinese Journal of School Health, 2011, 32(6): 675-677. [In Chinese].
6. Hu PJ, Ji CY, Song Y. Comparison of cigarette smoking among adolescents in Beijing and Yunnan Province: Data from Chinese National Youth Risk Behaviors Surveillance. Chinese Journal of School Health, 2011, 32(4): 394-396. [In Chinese].
7. Hu PJ, Ji CY, Zhao DC, Zhang B. Secular changes of physical growth in students of Zang-tribe in Tibet during 1965-2004. Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2005, 39(6): 380-384. [In Chinese].
8. Hu PJ, Ji CY. Secular change of adult height in adolescents and related influence factors. Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2005, 39(6): 421-424. [In Chinese].
9. Hu PJ, Ji CY. Comparative study on physical constitution of rural students between Li and Han Nationality. Chinese Journal of School Health, 2005, 26(1): 13-15. [In Chinese].
10. Hu PJ, Ji CY. Analysis on the Weight-for-Height distribution of Jiangxi and Shanghai students. Chinese Journal of School Health, 2003, 24(6): 607-608. [In Chinese].