


Yinghua Ma

Yinghua Ma

Yinghua Ma

  • Professor
  • [email protected]
  • Xueyuan Road 38, Haidian District, Beijing, China
  • Peking University
Personal profile


04/2000–04/2001 Visiting Fellow, Department of Medicine, Tottori University, Japan

(Shikawa Medical Scholarship)

01/2013–06/2013 Visiting Fellow, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

09/1993–06/1996 Doctor of Medicine

Institute of Child and Adolescent Health, School of Public Health,

Peking University (formerly Beijing Medical University), Beijing

09/1985–07/1988 Master of Medicine

School of Public Health, Harbin Medical University, Heilongjiang

09/1980–07/1985 Bachelor of Medicine

School of Public Health, Harbin Medical University, Heilongjiang


Academic Experience

06/2009–Present Professor, Institute of Child and Adolescent Health, Peking University, Beijing

10/2019–08/2020 Member of the external advisory group, Health-Promoting School:

Global Standards and Implementation Guidance, UNESCO and WHO

05/2004–05/2005 Full-Time Consultant, UNICEF China Office, Beijing

04/2000–04/2001 Visiting Fellow, Department of Medicine, Tottori University, Japan

(Shikawa Medical Scholarship)

06/1999–05/2009 Associate Professor, Institute of Child and Adolescent Health,

Peking University, Beijing

06/1996–06/1999 Lecturer, Institute of Child and Adolescent Health, Peking University, Beijing

07/1988–09/1993 Teaching Assistant & Lecturer, Daqing Vocational Medical College, Heilongjiang


Professional experience and Service

Chairman of School Health Branch, Chinese Association for Student Nutrition and Health Promotion

Vice Chairman of School Health Branch, China Preventive Medicine

Vice President of Physical and Health Education Branch, Chinese Society of Education

Deputy Head of the National Expert Group on HIV/AIDS Prevention Education in Schools

Deputy Director, China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Members of the First National Health Science Expert Database

Member of the First National College Health Education Teaching guidance Committee

Vice Chairman, School Health Professional Committee, China Health Supervision Association

Vice Chairman, Committee of Youth Tobacco Control for Chinese Association on Tobacco Control

Chairman, School Health Professional Committee, Beijing Association of Preventive Medicine

Member of the Experts Committee of Chinese Association for Student Nutrition and Health Promotion

Standing Councilor, Chinese Association for Student Nutrition and Health Promotion

Standing Councilor of Physical Education Branch, Chinese Society of Higher Education

Standing Councilor, China Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS Prevention Association

Standing Councilor, Chinese Sex Society

Education Supervision of Haidian District People’s Government, Beijing

Deputy Head of School Health Professional Group, State Physicians Qualifying Examination Question Development Committee

Education Inspector of Haidian District People’s Government, Beijing

People's Assessor, Beijing Intellectual Property Court

Standing Editorial Board, Chinese Journal of School Health

Editorial Board, Chinses Journal of Public Health

Editorial Board, Chinese Mental Health Journal

Editorial Board, Capital Journal of Public Health

Editorial Board, Journal Teaching of Physical education



Main research directions

Factors affecting growth and development of children and adolescents and their intervention

Life skills education for children and adolescents

School health and health promotion

Representative scientific research projects

2021–2023    Peking University–UNESCO, Promoting School Health Education for Girls in Africa

in the COVID-19 Era

2021–2024      Chinese Society of Education, Construction of an Infectious Disease Health

                        Literacy Evaluation System and Analysis of Influencing Factors for Chinese

                        Middle School Students in the Post-COVID-19

2020                The Ministry of Education project, Research on the Content of Epidemic

                        Prevention and Anti-epidemic Education in Primary and Secondary Schools

2020                Ministry of Education, Guidelines on Integrating Education of Life Safety and Health

                        into Curriculum Materials in Primary and Secondary Schools

2018–2020      United Nations Children’s Fund & Ministry of Education, Development of a

                        Network Curriculum for Health and Health Education in Primary and Secondary

                        Schools (Teachers’ Version)

2018–2020      Chinese Teaching Society, Research on the Evaluation System of the Comprehensive

                        Ability of Young Students to Prevent AIDS

2017–2020      National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 81673245, Research on the

                        Communication Characteristics of Social Networks and the Prevention and Control

                        Patterns of Popular Opinion Leaders (POL) for HIV-Infected College Students

2018–2019      China Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS Prevention and Control Association,

                        Development of AIDS Prevention Education Supporting Materials for Middle

                        School Students in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province

02–09/2017     National Natural Science Foundation International Cooperation Project,

                        No. 1781320002, Global Cooperative Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD)

                        Symposium on the Application and Development of Mental Health Needs

2015                State Council Committee on AIDS Prevention and Control Office & Ministry of

                        Education, No. 20150176, Development of College AIDS Prevention and Control

                        Pilot Program and Development of Plans for Pilot Supervision and Evaluation

2012–2014      2012 Public Health Industry Research Project, No. 201202010, Development and

                        Application of Students’ Major Disease Control Technology and Related Standards—

                        Subtopic: Project Management and Base Construction

2007                National Social Science Fund’s Eleventh Five-Year Plan Education 2007 Key

                        Project, No. ALA070002, Research on School Sports Health Quality Standards and

                        Guarantee Mechanisms—Subtopic: School Sports Health Teacher Allocation

                        Standard Study


10 representative papers

 1. Yang BY#, Guo Y#, Zou Z#, Gui Z, Bao WW, Hu LW, Chen G, Jing J, Ma J, Li S, Ma Y*, Chen YJ*, Dong GH*. Exposure to ambient air pollution and visual impairment in children: A nationwide cross-sectional study in China. J Hazard Mater. 2021;407:124750.

2. Zhang JS#, Gui ZH#, Zou ZY#, Yang BY, Ma J, Jing J, Wang HJ, Luo JY, Zhang X, Luo CY, Wang H, Zhao HP, Pan DH, Bao WW, Guo YM, Ma YH*, Dong GH*, Chen YJ*. Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents: A national cross-sectional study in China. Environ Int. 2021;148:106383.

3. Bao WW#, Yang BY#, Zou ZY#, Ma J, Jing J, Wang HJ, Luo JY, Zhang X, Luo CY, Wang H, Zhao HP, Pan DH, Gui ZH, Zhang JS, Guo YM, Ma YH*, Dong GH*, Chen YJ*. Greenness surrounding schools and adiposity in children and adolescents: Findings from a national population-based study in China. Environ Res. 2021;192:110289.

4. Wang M#, Gong L#, Zou Z, Jiang A, Wang H, Luo J, Zhang X, Luo C, Wang H, Zhao H, Pan D, Jing J, Wu Y, Wang R, Ma J, Ma Y*, Chen Y*. The relationship between long-term exposure to PM2.5 and fasting plasma glucose levels in Chinese children and adolescents aged 6-17 years: A national cross-sectional study. Sci Total Environ. 2020 Mar 25;710:136211.

5. Gao D#, Zou Z#, Zhang W, Chen T, Cui W, Ma Y*. Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of HIV Mortality in China: Data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):7065.

6. Xu R#, Song Y#, Hu P, Dong B, Zou Z, Luo D, Gao D, Zhang J, Ma Y*, Ma J*, Xie X*, Cai M, Narayan A, Huang X, Tian X, Patton GC. Towards Comprehensive National Surveillance for Adolescent Health in China: Priority Indicators and Current Data Gaps. J Adolesc Health. 2020;67(5S):S14-S23.

7. Dong Y#, Hu P#, Song Y, Dong B, Zou Z, Wang Z, Xu R, Luo D, Gao D, Wen B, Ma Y*, Ma J*, Tian X, Huang X, Narayan A, Patton GC. National and Subnational Trends in Mortality and Causes of Death in Chinese Children and Adolescents Aged 5-19 Years From 1953 to 2016. J Adolesc Health. 2020;67(5S):S3-S13.

8. Tan K#, Cai L#, Lai L, Gui Z, Zeng X, Lv Y, Zhang J, Wang H, Ma Y*, Chen Y*. Association of Reallocating Time in Different Intensities of Physical Activity with Weight Status Changes among Normal-Weight Chinese Children: A National Prospective Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(16):5761.

9. Hu F#, Liang JJ, Lu JJ, Hu YF, Hu Y, Yu J, Zou XW, Ma YH*, Lin SF*. Effects of Antiretroviral Therapy and HIV Exposure in Utero on Adverse Pregnancy and Infant Outcomes: A Prospective Cohort Study in Guangzhou, China. Biomed Environ Sci. 2019;32(10):719-729.

10. Gao D#, Zou Z#, Dong B, Zhang W, Chen T, Cui W, Ma Y*. Secular trends in HIV/AIDS mortality in China from 1990 to 2016: Gender disparities. PLoS One. 2019;14(7):e0219689.