


Xiaohua Zhou

Xiaohua Zhou

Xiaohua Zhou

  • PKU Endowed Chair Professer
  • [email protected]
  • Xueyuan Road 38, Haidian District, Beijing, China
  • Peking University
Personal profile

Work Experience

2018 – Present Chair Professor, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Peking University

2005 – 2018 Professor, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

2003 – 2005 Research Professor, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

1997 – 2002 Associate Professor, Division of Biostatistics, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN

1993 – 1997 Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Biostatistics, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN

1991 – 1993 Postdoctoral Harvard University, Postdoctoral, fellow (Biostatistics)

Education Experience

09/1980 - 06/1984 Sichuan University, B.Sc. (Mathematics)

09/1984 - 04/1987 University of Calgary, M.Sc. (Statistics)

09/1987 - 04/1991 Ohio State University, Ph.D. (Biostatistics)

Professional Society Affiliations

2013/08/01- President of the International Society of Biostatistics China Chapter

2020/11/28- Director of Medical Mathematics Committee of Chinese Mathematical Society

2017/08/01- President of the International Biostatistics Section of the Biomedical Statistics Branch of the Chinese Society for Field Statistics Research

2004/01/01-2008/01/01 U.S. Federal Government Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Medical Devices and Radiological Health Advisory Committee

2011/01/01-2015/01/01 U.S. Federal Government Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Medical Devices and Radiological Health Advisory Committee

2010/01/01-2013/12/20 U.S. Federal Government National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institutional Clinical and Translational Science Award Review Board

1999- Statistics in Medicine  Associate Editor

2018- Biostatistics & Epidemiology Editor


2001 Mitchell Prize, The International Society for Bayesian Analysis and Section on Bayesian Statistical Sciences of American Statistical Association (With K. Hirano, G. Imbens, and D. B. Rubin.)

2016 Fellow, American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS)

2015/08/01 Specially Appointed Expert of National Overseas High-Level Talent Introduction Program (Innovative Long-Term Project), Ministry of Organization

2021/05 Pioneer in the fight against the new crown epidemic at Peking University

2021/05 World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies "International Contribution to Chinese Medicine Award - Second Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress"

2020/12  Outstanding Undergraduate Design Supervisor of Beijing Universities 2020

2018/12/01 China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Award


Main research directions

Statistical methods in diagnostic medicine

Causal inference

Statistical methods in traditional Chinese medicine research

Mathematical and statistical modeling of epidemic occurrence and development patterns

Big data

Artificial intelligence

Representative scientific research projects

1. The National Key Research and Development Plan of the High-Technology Research and Development Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology “Research and development and application of an intelligent service platform for modern drug supervision” 12/15/2021 – 06/30/2024, Director, $7,000,000.

2. China National Natural Science Foundation, “Neural Mechanism Modeling and AI Diagnosis and Treatment for Neurodevelopmental Disorder in Children”, 1/1/2021-12/30/2022, Principal Investigator, $2,000,000.

3. China National Natural Science Foundation, “Statistical Method Research for Optimal Treatment Selection under the Causal Inference Framework”, 1/1/2018-12/30/2021, Principal Investigator, $ 600,00.

4. China National Natural Science Foundation, “A study on the outbreak and pattern of  development of  2019 Novel Coronavirus, based on new mathematical and statistical models”. 03/20/2020 – 06/30/2023, Director, $140,000.


10 representative papers

1. Shasha Han, Jun Cai, Juan Yang, Juanjuan zhang, Qianhui Wu,Wen Zheng, Huilin Shi, Marco Ajelli, Xiao-Hua Zhou* & Hongjie Yu*. Time-varying optimization of COVID-19 vaccine prioritization in the context of limited vaccination capacity. Nature Communications. 2021, 12(1): 1-10.

2. Qin J, You C, Lin QS, Hu TJ, Yu SC, Zhou XH* Estimation of incubation period distribution of COVID-19 using disease onset forward time: A novel cross-sectional and forward follow-up study. Science Advances. 2020, 6(33) 

3. Miao W, Hu W, Ogburn EL, Zhou X*. Identifying effects of multiple treatments in the presence of unmeasured confounding. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 2022 Feb. 28:1-36.

4. Qiu, Y; Tao, J; Xiao-Hua Zhou*. Inference for Heterogeneous Treatment Effects for Observational Data with High-Dimensional Covariates.Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B.2021,9.:1-28.DOI: 10.1111/rssb.12469

5. Yumou Qiu & Xiao-Hua Zhou*. Inference on Multi-level Partial Correlations Based on Multi-subject Time Series Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association 2021, 00:0, 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2021.1917417

6. Guo W, Zhou XH*, and Ma S*. Estimation of Optimal Individualized Treatment Rules Using a Covariate-Specific Treatment Effect Curve with High-Dimensional Covariates. Journal of American Statistical Association 2021, 116:533, 309-321.

7. Deng Y, You C, Liu Y,Qin J, Zhou X-H*. Estimation of incubation periodand generation time based on observedlength-biased epidemic cohort with censoring for COVID-19 outbreak in China. Biometrics. 2021;77:929–941.//doi.org/10.1111/biom.13325.

8. Zhou F, You C, Zhou X*, et al. Epidemiological Characteristics and Factors Associated with Critical Time Intervals of COVID-19 in Eighteen Provinces, China: A Retrospective Study. international Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2021;102:123-131.

9. Deng YH, Chen FY, Li Y, Qian KH, Wang R, Zhou XH* A powerful test for the maximum treatment effect in through QT/QTc studies. Statistics in Medicine. 2021;40:1947–1959

10. Dong R, Hu T, Zhang Y, Li Y, Zhou X*. Assessing the transmissibility of the new SARS-CoV-2 variants: From Delta to Omicron. Vaccines (Special Issue "COVID-19: Epidemiology and Transmission"). 2022, 10(4), 49