


Chun Chang

Chun Chang

Chun Chang

  • Professor
  • [email protected]
  • Xueyuan Road 38, Haidian District, Beijing, China
  • Peking University
Personal profile

Professor, doctorial tutor in behavioral science and health promotion, Deputy director of the Department of Social medicine and Health Education.

Bachelor of Preventive Medicine in Beijing Medical University, 1989.

MA (Health Social Science) in Mahidol University, 1999

PhD of Social Medicine and Health Management in Peking University, 2006

Engaging in teaching and research of health promotion, behavioral science and health communication more than 30 years. The research topics include health promotion policy, nationwide health promotion system construction; health behavior and health communication theory and application; behavior and lifestyle such tobacco use, sports and health service utilization; health promotion intervention and evaluation on disease prevention and control (AIDS, tuberculosis, hypertension, diabetes), workplace-based health promotion and elderly health promotion.

Membership in professional associations:

·Member of expert steering committee of Heathy China Promoting Committee

·Member of expert steering committee of the Health Promotion and Education, NHC

·Vice-chairman of Behavioral Health Sub-committee of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association

·Standing member of Health Promotion and Education Sub-Committee, Chinese Preventive Medicine Association

·Standing member of China Health Promotion and Education Association

·Vice-Chairman of Beijing Health Education Association

·Standing Editorial Board member of Chinese Journal of Health Education

Main research directions

Health promotion policy, system construction, human resource, and performance

Theory and application research on health behavior and health communication

mHealth and big data based health promotion intervention and evaluation

Representative scientific research projects

1. Personalized mHealth intervention for smoking cessation based on Protection Motivation Theory,Health Action Process Approach and transtheoretical model, National Natural Science Foundation of China82173637,2022-2025

2. Health cognition and behavior of Chinese college students, funded by MOE, 2021-2022

3. Awareness core health information and quality of life of the elderly, funded by National Health Commission, 2019-2020

4. Promoting of innovation results at the public level: mHealth oriented health education, China Development Research Foundation. 2017-2018

5. Evaluation of health education on hypertension prevention and control among occupational population, cooperated with China Cardiovascular Disease Center, 2016-2017

6. Constructing national health education system: challenge and strategy, funded by Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2014-2015

7. Research on Practice and strategy of health promotion and education in China, funded by National Health and Family Planning Commission, 2014

8. Impact of improving health literacy on basic public health service utilization, Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education, 2012-2014

9. Health promotion of inner migrant population based on the conceptual framework of healthy city. Funded by WHO (Beijing Office). 2012-2013

10. A community-based study on the vulnerability and susceptibility of HIV fo the out-of-school adolescents. Funded by UNICEF (Beijing Office). 2005-2006

10 representative papers

1. Haoxiang Lin, Meijun Chen, QingpingYun, Lanchao Zhang, Chun Chang*,Tobacco dependence affects determinants related to quitting intention and behavior. Scientific Reports (2021) 11:20202

2. Hoxiang Lin, Chun Chang*. Factors associated with the quitting intention among Chinese adults: Application of protection motivation theory. Current Psychology, 2021 Feb 23.

3. Min Liu, Qingping Yun, Mei Zhao, Wei Chen, Hui Zhang, Wei Hou, Chun Chang*, Association of siblings’ presence and oral health-related quality of life among children: a cross-sectional study. BMC Oral Health. BMC Oral Health(2021) 21:153

4. Haoxiang Lin, Zhao Liu, Chun Chang*. The Effects of Smoke-Free Workplace Policies on Individual Smoking Behaviors in China. Nicotine Tob Res. 2020;22(12):2158-2163.

5. Haoxiang Lin, Meijun Chen, Yunting Zheng, Qingping Yun and Chun Chang*,The association of workplace health education with smoking-related behaviour and unequal gains by job position in China: ABWMC programme findings. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy (2021) 16:56 //doi.org/10.1186/s13011-021-00392-9

6. Yunting Zheng, Yiqun Wu, Mengying Wang, Zijing Wang, Siyue Wang,Jiating Wang, Junhui Wu, Tao Wu, Chun Chang*, Yonghua Hu*, Impact of a comprehensive tobacco control policy package on acute myocardial infarction and stroke hospital admissions in Beijing, China: interrupted time series study. Tob Control 2020;0:1–9.

7. Qingping Yun, Ying Ji, Shenglan Liu, Yang Shen, Xuewen Jiang, Xinyi Fan,Jingnan Liu, Chun Chang*, Can autonomy support have an effect on type 2 diabetes glycemic control? Results of a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMJ Open Diab Res Care,2020,8:e001018

8. Zengwu Wang*, Xin Wang, Yang Shen, Suning Li, Zuo Chen, Congyi Zheng, Yuting Kang, Linlin Jiang, Guang Hao, Chun Chang*; Runlin Gao, Effect of  a Workplace-Based Multicomponent Intervention on Hypertension Control:A Randomized Clinical Trial,JAMA Cardiology.


9. Yunting Zheng, Ying Ji, Chun Chang*, Liverani, M*. The evolution of health policy in Chin and Internal migrants: Continuity, change, and current implementation challenges. Asia Pac Policy Stud. 2020; 1-14.

10. Yang Shen, Xin Wang, Zengwu Wang, Linfeng Zhang, Zuo Chen, Manlu Zhu, Chun Chang*, and Runlin Gao, Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension among Chinese working population: results of a workplace-based study. Journal of the American Society of Hypertension, 2018.12(4):311-322.