





Personal profile

Educational experience:

September 2016—current, Doctoral Study, Gothenburg University, Sweden

August 2001—July 2002, Public Health courses, Division of International Health, Department of Public Health, Karolinska Institute, Sweden

August 1991—July 1996, Bachelor of Medicine (Medical Doctor), School of Public Health, Beijing Medical University (BMU), China

Occupation experience:

August 1996—current, Department of Child, Adolescent and Women’s Health, School of Public health, Peking University Health Science Center


Main research directions

Research on perinatal care

National data management and analysis on maternal and child health

Cohort study on maternal and child health


Representative scientific research projects

1. Mother & Child Cohort Research in Tongzhou, Beijing, 2017-2019

2. National Maternal and Child Health Statistics, 1996-2019

3. Promotion of National MCH Statistics management, 2016

4. Evaluation on Early Child development project in China, 2013-2016

5. Provincial MDG countdown report in China, 2015

6. Validation of Neonatal Tetanus Elimination in China, 2010-2012

7. Research on Human Resources of Midwifery of China ,2008

8. Evaluation on Mother-Child Care Project Implementation, 2006

9. Research on Reproductive Health Indicator Development, 1998-2000

10 representative papers

1. Hong-Tian Li #,; Shusheng Luo #,D,et.al. Geographic Variations and Temporal Trends in Cesarean Delivery Rates in China, 2008-2014. JAMA, 2017, 317(1):69-76.

2. Yanping Wang#, Xiaohong Li#, Maigeng Zhou#, Shusheng Luo#,et.al. Under-5 mortality in 2851 Chinese counties, 1996–2012: a subnational assessment of achieving MDG 4 goals in China. Lancet 2016; 387: 273–83

3. ZHAO Zhiling,LIU ZhengLIU, JueXU, Xiangrong, WANG Haijun,LUO Shusheng. An epidemiological study on compliance of antenatal care in Tongzhou District of Beijing, China. Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, 2019, 30(5): 401-406

4. Luo Shusheng, Xia Wei, et.al. The method and efficacy for screening neonatal tetanus in high risk areas in China. Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2013, 47(10): 900-904. 

5. Luo, Shusheng, An, Lin. Trend analysis on China institutional delivery and causes of maternal death change in 1998-2008. Chinese Journal of Women and Children Health. 2010, 1(2):64-67.

6. Luo, Shusheng, Wang Yan, et.al. Study on infant mortality rate and related factors in China in 1998-2003. Maternal and Child Health Care of China. 2006, 21(13):1841-1845.

7. Luo, Shusheng, Ren Zheng-hong, et.al. Comparison on perinatal medicine between the results of evidence based medicine and current practice in China. Maternal and Child Health Care of China. 2006, 21(17):2457-2460.

8. Petra Lofstedt, Gebrenegus Ghilagaber, Luo Shusheng, Annika Johansson. Changes in Marriage Age and First Birth Interval in Huaning County, Yunnan Province, PRC. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2005, 36(5): 237-246.

9. Ren Zhenghong, Luo Shusheng, Wangyan. Evidence-Based research on Ultra-sonic Examination During Pregnancy. Maternal and Child Health Care of China. 2005, 20(22):3030-3033

10. Petra Lofstedt, Luo Shusheng, et.al. Abortion Patterns and Reported Sex Ratios at Birth in Rural Yunnan, China. Reproductive Health matters. 2004,12(24):86-95.