


Jingxu Zhang

Jingxu Zhang

Jingxu Zhang

  • Associate Professor
  • [email protected]
  • Xueyuan Road 38, Haidian District, Beijing, China
  • Peking University
Personal profile


Dr. Jingxu Zhang Environment and maternal and child health; Development of infant and young children; Project evaluation


2005- 2009: Peking University Health Science Center,,Ph.D。

1998- 2001: Peking University Health Science Center, Toxicology,MA.Sc;

1986- 1992: Beijing Medical University, Preventive Medicine,B.S.;


2004- : School of Public Health, Peking University,Associate professor.

1997-2004: School of Public Health, Beijing Medical University, Lecturer;

2002.11-2003.1:Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University,Visiting scholar;

1992-1997: School of Public Health, Beijing Medical University, Assistant;


Main research directions

Environment and maternal and child health;

Child growth and development;

Project evaluation.

Representative scientific research projects

1. 2020-2021  UNICEF fund,The endline Survey of “Health and Development Promotion Project for Rural Left-behind Children” Home Visiting Intervention Project.

2. 2018-2019  UNICEF fund,The Baseline Survey of “Health and Development Promotion Project for Rural Left-behind Children” Home Visiting Intervention Project.

3. 2016   UNICEF fund,The End-Term Evaluation of Integrated Early Childhood Development Project.

4. 2015-2017  BeingMate Enterprise, China, Maternal and Child Cohort Study in China

5. 2013- 2014  UNICEF fund,The Baseline Survey of Integrated Early Childhood Development Project.

6. 2010.1-12  UNICEF fund,Maternal and birth cohort in China.

7. 2010.5-12  MOH & UNICEF fund, The end-term evaluation of maternal and child health.

8. 2009.12-2010.5  British Borderless Organization, Evaluation of Integrated Primary Health Care Project in WA, Burma.

9. 2005-2007  Procter & Gamble Fellowship fund, Johns Hopkins,A Randomized Community Intervention to Improve Complementary Feeding Practices of Young Children in Rural China.


10 representative papers

1. Mengshi Li,Xiaoqian Duan,Huifeng Shi,Yan Dou,Chang Tan,Chunxia Zhao,Xiaona Huang,Xiaoli Wang, Jingxu Zhang. Early maternal separation and development of left-behind children under 3 years of age in rural China[J].  Children and Youth Services Review. Volume 120, January 2021, DOI:10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105803  

2. Huifeng Shi, Chunxia Zhao, Yan Dou, Xiaoqian Duan, Lingyan Yang, Yufeng Du, Xiaona Huang, Xiaoli Wang, Jingxu Zhang. How parental migration affects early social-emotional development of left-behind children in rural China: a structural equation modeling analysis [published online ahead of print, 2020 Oct 15].  Int J Public Health. 2020;10.doi:10.1007/s00038-020-01509-w

3. Jingxu Zhang, Sufang Guo, Ying Li, Qianwei Wei, Cuihong Zhang, Xiaoli Wang, Shusheng Luo, Chunxia Zhao, Robert W. Scherpbier. Factors influencing developmental delay among young children in poor rural China: a latent variable approach. BMJ Open 2018;8:e021628. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-021628

4. Zixi Cheng, Ling Shi, Ying Li, Yan Wang ,Jingxu Zhang. Using structural equation modelling to assess factors influencing children’s growth and nutrition in rural Chna. Public Health Nutrition. 2017, [11 Dec 2017:1-9].  

5. Bin Wang,Lailai Yan,Ying Sun,Jingjing Yan,Qun Lu,Jingxu Zhang,Zhiwen Li.Alkaline-earth elements of scalp hair and presence of hypertension in housewives: A perspective of chronic effect. Chemosphere, 2017, 181:134-141.  

6. Wang, B. #,*, Yan, L.L. #, Huo, W.H., Lu, Q., Cheng, Z.X., Zhang, J.X.*, Li, Z.W., Rare earth elements and hypertension risk among housewives: A pilot study in Shanxi Province, China.,Environmental Pollution,2016.11.2,220:837-842.

7. Jingxu Zhang, Xiaozhuang Zhang, Liqian Qiu, etc. Maternal deaths among rural–urban migrants in China: a case–control study. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:512

8. Jingxu Zhang, Ling Shi, Da-fang Chen, Jing Wang, Yan Wang. Effectiveness of an educational intervention to improve child feeding practices and growth in rural China: updated results at 18 months of age. Maternal and Child Nutrition.     2013,9(1):118-129.

9. Jingxu Zhang, Ling Shi, Da-fang Chen, Jing Wang, Yan Wang.   Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to examine effectiveness of an educational intervention on infant feeding.  Preventive Medicine, 2009, 49(6):529-534.

10. Jingxu Zhang, Ling Shi , Jing Wang, Yan Wang. An Infant and Child Feeding Index is Associated with Child Nutritional Status in Rural China.  Early Human Development, 2009(85):247-252.