


Zhenghong Ren

Zhenghong Ren

Zhenghong Ren

Personal profile

Since graduated and worked, I had given a lot of lectures on health/medical statistics to the students in school of public health. In recent years, I instructed the students from clinical specialty on medical statistics and statistical methodology including the using of some software such as SPSS and SAS, and clinical research design and data analysis. I have directed or token part in survey studies, developed evaluation researches using kinds of quantitative method and qualitative method, and written research reports in Chinese and in English. In addition, helps have been given to the researchers inside and outside the school to design research, analyze data and so on.

2008.09—now. Lecturer, Department of Maternal & Child Health, School of Public Health, Peking University.

2008.06—2008.08. Guest researcher, Department of Pathology, Hospital of Radiation, Oslo, Norway.

2002.09—2008.05. Lecturer, Department of Maternal & Child Health, School of Public Health, Peking University.

2000.08—2002.08. Studied for Master of Philosophy in International Community Health in University   of Oslo, Norway and got my MPh.

1996.09—2000.07.  Lecturer, Department of Maternal & Child Health, School of Public Health, Peking University.

1990.09—1996.07 Assistant, Department of health Statistics and Medical Demography, School of Public Health, Beijing Medical University

1984.09—1990.07 Undergraduate student, School of Public Health, Beijing Medical University. Got the degree of BA in Public Health.


Main research directions

Data analysis

Field survey study and design

Clinical research and design

Project evaluation


Representative scientific research projects

1. The MNCH Human Resources in China, funded by UNICEF. March, 2011 to October, 2012.

2. External evaluation on the maternal and child health project, the Health VIII Project in China. October, 2003 to October, 2004.

3. Survey on AIDS KABP of the re-married young people in the big cites in China, supported by Ministry of Health, China. March, 1998 to March, 1999.

4. Evaluation on social need of the maternal and child health project. September, 1997 to March, 1998.


10 representative papers

1. Xiaoqin Xu, Xiangrong Xu, Haijun Wang, Zhenghong Ren. Study on the impact of macrosomia on their mothers and themselves around childbirth. Chinese Journal of reproduction health, 2019, 30(2):42~47.

2. Zhenghong Ren, Peige Song, Xinlei Chang, Jiawen Wang and Lin An. Inequality of obstetric and gynaecological workforce distribution in China. International Journal for Equity in Health, 2018, 17(3). DOI: 10.1186/s12939-017-0716-6.

3. Zhenghong Ren, Peigo Song, Evropi Theodoratou, Sufang Guo and Lin An. China's human resources for maternal and child health: a national sampling survey. BMC Health Services Research (2015) 15:561. Doi:10.1186/s12913-015-1238-9.

4. Peige Song, Zhenghong Ren, Evropi Theodoratou, Sufang Guo and Lin An. An analysis of women’s and children’s health professional requirements in China in 2010 based on workload. BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14:589 , //www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6963/14/589.

5. Zhenghong Ren and Lin An. The prevalence and trends of induced abortion in Chinese women, 1990-2012. Chinese Journal of reproduction health, 2015,26(2): 28~31.

6. Zhenghong Ren. The temporal characteristics and trend of tuberculosis incidence cases in China based on National Surveillance Data since 2005. Chinese Journal of health statistics, 2013, 30(2):158~161.

7. Zhenghong Ren. Utilisation of antenatal care in four counties in Ningxia, China. Midwifery (2010), doi:10.1016/j.midw.2010.10.016.

8. Zhenghong Ren, Lin An and Lingli Zhang. Forecast of the indicators on maternal and child health of China in 2020 using auto-regressive model. Journal of Peking University (Health science) , 2010, 42(2):221~224.

9. Zhenghong Ren, lin An and Lingli Zhang. Forecast of the indicators on maternal and child health of China in 2020 using curve fitting model. Chinese Journal of health statistics, 2010,27(3):255~257.

10. Zhenghong Ren. Gray forecast on the maternal mortality rates in China. Chinese Journal of health statistics, 2005, 22(1):20~22.