


Guansheng Ma

Guansheng Ma

Guansheng Ma

  • Professor
  • [email protected]
  • Xueyuan Road 38, Haidian District, Beijing, China
  • Peking University
Personal profile

Member of State Food and Nutrition Consultant Committee

Chief Scientific Communication Expert, China Association of Science and Technology

Member of the Central Scientific Communication Working Committee of Jiusan Society

Vice Chairman of Chinese Nutrition Society, the First Chairman of the Branch of Water and Health in Chinese Nutrition Society

2016-present Chief, Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, School of Public Health, Peking University

1981-1986 Bachelor Shandong Medical University

1986-1989 Master Shanghai Medical University

2007 Ph.D Wageningen University, the Netherlands

1992-1993 School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

1997-1998 Department of Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School, USA

1998 United Nations Office for Humanitarian Co-ordination in Iraq

2003-2004 governor assistant A-ba Zang and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan, China

2009-2010 Scientist, Department of Food Safety and Zoonose, WHO

2002-2015 Deputy Director, National Institute for Nutrition and Health, China CDC


Main research directions

Food and Nutrition Policy

Hydration and Health

Obesity Prevention and Control

Digital Health Intervention

Food Environment and Dietary Behavior

Representative scientific research projects

2020-2021  The Chinese Dietary Guidelines (2021), taking responsibility for the revision of dietary guidelines for special crowds (Chinese Nutrition Society)

2021-2023   Chinese Dietary Reference Intakes 2023,taking responsibility for the revision of water and fiber DRIs (Chinese Nutrition Society)

2021  Establishment of The Digital Health Professional Technology Service Group (China Association for Science and Technology)

2021  Research on consumption of agricultural products(Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China)

2020-2021  The Research on the Suitable Technology Package for Improving the Nutrition Literacy of Rural Residents in Beijing (Beijing Municipal Health Commission)

2019-2020  Food Pollution and Harmful Factors Monitoring Program (Beijing Municipal Health Commission)

2019-2024  Maternal and Child Health Research (Corporate Cooperation)

2019-2020  Boiled Water and Health (Corporate Cooperation)

2018-2023  The Effect of Intelligent Health Management Intervention on Health Promotion (Corporate cooperation)

2018-2019  Investigation on Dietary Behavior of Elder Population (Corporate cooperation)

2017-2020  Effect of Hydration on Cognitive Performance (National Natural Science Foundation of China)

10 representative papers

1. Effects of Water Restriction and Water Replenishment on the Content of Body Water with Bioelectrical Impedance among Young Adults in Baoding, China: A Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)[J]. Nutrients, 2021, 13(2):553.

2. The comparison of water intake patterns and hydration biomarkers among young adults with different hydration statuses in Hebei, China[J]. Nutrition & Metabolism, 2021, 18(1):2.

3. Effects of Water Restriction and Supplementation on Cognitive Performances and Mood among Young Adults in Baoding, China: A Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)[J]. Nutrients, 2021, 13:3805.

4. The Relationships between Water Intake and Hydration Biomarkers and the Applications for Assessing Adequate Total Water Intake among Young Adults in Hebei, China[J]. Nutrients, 2021, 13(10):3645.

5. Healthy breakfast habits and changes in obesity-related cardiometabolic markers in children: a longitudinal analysis[J]. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2020, 74, 1685-1694.

6. Leading dietary determinants identified using machine learning techniques and a healthy diet score for changes in cardiometabolic risk factors in children: a longitudinal analysis[J]. Nutrition Journal, 2020, 19(1):105.

7. Meal Patterns and Changes in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Children: A Longitudinal Analysis[J]. Nutrients, 2020, 12(3):799.

8. The Clustering of Low Diet Quality, Low Physical Fitness, and Unhealthy Sleep Pattern and Its Association with Changes in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Children. [J]. Nutrients, 2020, 12, 591.

9. Effect of multidimensional lifestyle interventions on metabolic risk reduction in children: a cluster randomised controlled trial[J]. Preventive Medcine,2020,133.

10. Visceral fat reduction is positively associated with blood pressure reduction in overweight or obese males but not females: an observational study[J]. Nutrition & Metabolism, 2019, 16(1).