


Wei Huang

Wei Huang

Wei Huang

Personal profile


Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, US Sc.D., Department of Environmental Health, 2003

Dissertation — “Biological Monitoring of Occupational Exposure to Diesel Exhaust” Advisor: Professor Thomas J. Smith, PhD, CIH

Northeastern University, Boston, US M.S., Environmental Sciences, 1997

Hunan University, China B.S., Water Engineering, 1991


Peking University(2008-present)

Research Professor, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Peking University Health Science Center (2013-present)

Associate Professor, Center for Environment and Health, Academy of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies (2008-2013)

Health Effects Institute (2003-2007)

Staff Scientist

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (1995-2004)

Research Assistant/Post-doctoral Instructor, Department of Environmental Health

World Resource Institute (Summer 1997)

Intern, Summer 1997


Key Laboratory of Molecular Cardiovascular Sciences of Ministry of Education (2013-present)

Principal Investigator

Desert Research Institute (2014-2016)

Adjunct Professor (non-paid)


Peking University

Graduate Courses

“Progress in Environmental Epidemiology”,1 Credit (2014 -, 20 Hours, Course Lead)

“Advanced Occupational and Environmental Health”,3 Credits (2013 -, 4 Hours, Joint)

Undergraduate Courses

“Medical Ethics”,1 Credit (2016 -, 4 Hours, Joint) “Environmental Medicine”,1 Credit (2013-, 2 Hours, Joint) “Environmental Health”,2 Credits (2013-, 2 Hours, Joint)


Editorial Board Member of Environmental Epidemiology (2017-) Associate Editor of Science of the Total Environment (2017-)

Acting Chair of Annual Conference of International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE 2021, Beijing, China)

Scientific Committee Member, ISEE 2019, Utrecht, the Netherland (2018-)

Working Group Member for National Health Commission of China on Indoor Air Quality Standard Revision (2018-2019)

Working Group Member for World Health Organization on Global Air Quality Guidelines (AQGs) Update (2016-2019)

Advisor for World Health Organization on Global Reviews of Efficacy of Indoor Air Filtration (2018-)

Advisor for World Health Organization on Global Reviews of Efficacy of Personal Level Air Pollution Intervention (2017-)

Working Group Member for World Health Organization/International Agency for Research on Cancer Monograph #109 “Ambient Air Pollution” (2013)

Board Member , Executive Board Member and Deputy Secretariat General of Chinese Society of Environmental Mutagens (2013-)

Member, International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (1998-present)


Representative, District People’s Congress, Haidian District, Beijing (2016-) Deputy Director, Women Affairs of Beijing Jiusan Society (2018-)

Main research directions

Environmental epidemiology: health effects, intervention, and risk Assessment


Representative scientific research projects

Principal Investigator

PI: “Mechanism of Air Pollution Associated HDL Dysfunction”, China National Science Foundation (81773381), RMB ¥720,000 (2018-2021)

China-PI: “ASPIRE: Air Pollution: Strategies for Personalized Intervention to Reduce Exposure”, US National Health Institute (#2R01ES019616-06), US$1,324,045 (2017-2021, US PIs: Sanjay Rajagopalan and Robert Brook).

PI: “Long-term air pollution exposure assessment for cohort studies”, China Ministry of Science and Technology (2017YFC0211701), RMB ¥6,700,000 (2017-2020)

PI: “Evaluation on national air quality standards and criteria pollution research plan in China”, China Ministry of Ecology and Environment (2110105), RMB ¥900,000 (2016-2018).

PI: “Ambient Air Pollution and Blood Pressure in Beijing Residents”, Beijing Natural Science Foundation-Beijing Academy of Science and Technology (L150001), RMB ¥300,000 (2015-2017).

PI: “Health Benefits of Indoor Air Filtration for COPD Patients in Beijing”, Philips Consumer Lifestyle B.V., Euro € 100,000 (2014-2015).

Co-PI: “Ambient Air Pollution and HDL Dysfunction”, University of Michigan Health System-Peking Univ Health Science Center Joint Institute, US$ 400,000 (2014-2016).

Co-PI: “Air Pollution and COPD Progression”, Peking University - Tsinghua University Life Science Center (2013-03), RMB ¥2,500,000 (2014-2016).

PI: “Systematic Review of Air Pollution Criteria Research in China and Pilot Study”, China Ministry of Ecology and Environment (201009032), RMB ¥6,700,000 (2010-2012).

Co-PI: “Controlled Human Exposure to Source-Specific Particulates”, China Ministry of Science and Technology 863 Project (2008AA062503), RMB ¥1,020,000 (2008-2011).

Co-PI: “Time-series Analyses of Air Pollution and Mortality in Northwestern and Southern China”, China Ministry of Ecology and Environment (200809109), RMB ¥1,610,000 (2008-2010).

PI: “Air Pollution, Climate, and Health”, Science and Technology Division of British Embassy in China, GBP £20,000 (2008-2009).


Participating Researcher

Key Investigator: “Secondary Aerosol Formation Process and Its Health Effects”, China National Science Foundation (21190051), RMB ¥4,000,000 (2012-2016).

Key Investigator: “Response to Drastic Changes in Air Pollution: Reversibility and Susceptibility”, US Health Effects Institute (4760-RPFA05-3) and NIEHS (1R01ES015864), US$ ~630,000 (2007-2011).

Key Investigator: “Environmental Process and Health Impact during 2008 Beijing Olympics”, China National Science Foundation Key Project (20637020), RMB ¥1,800,000 (2007-2010).



10 representative papers

1. Li JP, Zhou CP, Xu HB#, Brook RD, Liu SC, Yi TC, Wang Y, Zhao Q, Chen J, Song XM, Feng BH, Liu S, Zhang Y,Wu RS, Pennathur S, Rajagopalan S, Huo Y, Zheng LM, Huang W*. Air pollution associated withhigh-density lipoprotein dysfunction among healthy adults, the Beijing AIRCHD study. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2019 (in press).

2. Feng BH#, Song XM, Shu MS, Yu J, Zhang QQ, Zhao Q, Chen J, Zhang Y, Xu HB, Wang T, Liu S, Wu RS, Yu JZ, Dan M, Yu J, Huang W*. High level of source-specific particulate matter air pollution associated with cardiac arrhythmias. Science of the Total Environment. 2019. 657: 1285-1293.

3.  Liu S#, Chen J#, Zhao Q, Shao DQ, Song XM, Meliefste K, Du YP, Wang J, Wang M, Wang T, Feng BH, Wu RS, Xu HB, Bert Brunekreef, Bei He, Wei Huang*. Cardiovascular benefits of short-term indoor air filtration intervention in elderly living in Beijing: an extended analysis of BIAPSY study. Environmental Research. 2018. 167: 632-638.

4. Huang W, Wang L, Li J, Liu M, Xu H, Liu S, Chen J, Zhang Y, Morishita M, Bard RL, Harkema JR, Rajagopalan S, Brook RD. Short-term blood pressure responses to ambient fine particulate matter exposures at the extremes of global air pollution concentrations. American Journal of Hypertension 2018; 31: 590-599.

5. Mathew AV, Yu J, Guo Y, Byun J, Chen YE, Wang L, Liu M, Bard RL, Morishita M, Huang W, Li J, Harkema JR, Rajagopalan S, Pennathur S, Brook RD. Effect of ambient fine particulate matter air pollution and colder outdoor temperatures on high-density lipoprotein function. American Journal of Cardiology. 2018. 122(4): 565-570.

6. Liu S#, Brook RD, Huang W*, Fan ZJ, Xu HB, Wu RS, Sun ZC, Zhao XY, Ruan YP, Yan JH, Lian H, Gu DF, Rajagopalan S. Extreme levels of ambient air pollution adversely impact cardiac and central aortic hemodynamics: the AIRCMD-China study. Journal American Society of Hypertension. 2017. 11(11):754-761.

7. Ejike C; Wang L, Liu M, Morishita M, Bard RL, Huang W, Harkema J, Rajagopalan S, Brook RD. Personal-level exposure to environmental temperature is a superior predictor of endothelial-dependent vasodilatation than outdoor-ambient level. Journal American Society of Hypertension. 2017. 11(11): 746-753.

8. Zhang SY, Shao D#, Liu HY, Feng J, Feng BH, Song XM, Zhao Q, Chu M, Jiang CT, Huang W*, Wang X*. Metabolomics analysis reveals that benzo[a]pyrene, a component of PM2.5, promotes pulmonary injury by modifying lipid metabolism in a phospholipase A2-dependent manner in vivo and in vitro. Redox Biology. 2017. 13:459-469.

9.  Shao D#, Du YP, Liu S, Brunkereef B, Meliefste K, Zhao Q, Chen J, Song XM, Wang M, Wang J, Xu H, Wu RS, Wang T, Lung CS, Wang X, He B, Huang W*. Cardiorespiratory responses of air filtration: A randomized crossover intervention trial in seniors living in Beijing: Beijing Indoor Air Purifier Study, BIAPSY. Science of the Total Environment. 2017. 603-604; 541-549.

10. Altemose B, Robson MG, Kipen HM, Ohman-Strickland P, Meng Q, Gong JC, Huang W, Wang GF, Rich DQ, Zhu T, Zhang JJ. Association of air pollution sources and aldehydes with biomarkers of blood coagulation, pulmonary inflammation, and systemic oxidative stress. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2017. 27(3):244-250.