


Guang Jia

Guang Jia

Guang Jia

  • Professor, PhD Supervisor
  • [email protected]
  • Xueyuan Road 38, Haidian District, Beijing, China
  • Peking University
Personal profile

In 1990 and 1993, I obtained a bachelor's degree in preventive medicine and a master's degree in toxicology from Shandong Medical University (Shandong University). In 1996, I received my doctorate in occupational health from Beijing Medical University (Peking University) where I was promoted to professor in 2006. I was STA fellow at the National Institute of Environmental Studies in Japan from 2000 to 2002 and also had short-term visits at Toyama University and Kawasaki Medical University in Japan.

I am the chief editor of two undergraduate textbooks, “Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases (Case Version)” and “Concise Course on Occupational Health”, as well as three monographs, including “Respiratory Toxicology”, “Biological Effects and Safety Applications of Carbon Nanotubes”, and “Toxicology of Organic Solvents”. I have been recognized in the "Top 100 Influential Scholars in Public Health and Preventive Medicine in China" and have been selected as one of the top 2% of scientists in the world for many times.

I am a member of the Academic Committee of the Occupational Health and Poison Control Institute of the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention. I am vice chairwoman of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases Committee of the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, the Industrial Toxicology Committee of the Chinese Society of Toxicology, and the Occupational Health Association Standards of the China Health Supervision Society, also, a member of the Health, Safety and Environment Working Group of the National Nanotechnology Standardization Technical Committee. In addition, I work as the editor of several journals, including the “Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine”.

Main research directions

Mechanism and Prevention of Occupational Pollutants.

Representative scientific research projects

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Artificial intelligence + lipid metabolism system analysis of chromate-induced lung tissue damage, aging and early warning strategy research, (2025-2028), PI.

2. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Mesenchymal Stem Cell plasticity-driven mechanism in Lung Injury and Repair Induced by Chromate,(2023-2026), PI.

3. Joint Fund of National Natural Science Foundation's key program, Study on Early Genetic Damage and Repair Mechanism of Occupational Exposure to Chromate Based on Immunoregulation (2021-2024), PI.

4. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Study on the Damage and Repair Mechanism of Respiratory System Induced by Occupational Chromate Exposure Based on Integrated Omics Technology (2019-2022), PI.

5. The National Natural Science Foundation's major research project, Effects of Atmospheric Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and its Efficient Components on the Damage and Repair of Genetic Material in Rats (2018-2020), PI.

6. National Natural Science Foundation of China, The Mechanism of Gene-environment Interaction on Chromate Induced Genetic Damage (2016-2019), PI.

7. The National Natural Science Foundation of China, Early Effects of Chromium Carcinogenesis Based on Molecular Exposome (2012-2016), PI.

8. National Natural Science Foundation of China, research on the effects and mechanisms of occupational exposure to chromate on multiple elements in the body, (2010-2013), PI.

9. National Natural Science Foundation of China, preliminary study on the health effects of different sizes of nano-titanium dioxide on producers (2008-2010), PI.

10. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on Genetic Susceptibility of chromate Contactors (2006-2008), PI.

10 representative papers

1. Zekang Su, Yali Zhang, Shiyi Hon, Qiaojian Zhang, Zhiqiang Ji, Guiping Hu, Xiaojun Zhu, Fang Yuan, Shanfa Yu, Tianchen Wang, Li Wang, Guang Jia*. Immune Regulation Patterns in Response to Environmental Pollutant Chromate Exposure-Related Genetic Damage: A Cross-Sectional Study Applying Machine Learning Methods [J]. Environ Sci Technol, 2024, DOI10.1021/acs.est.4c00433.

2. Guiping Hu, Changmao Long, Lihua Hu, Yali Zhang, Shiyi Hong, Qiaojian Zhang, Pai Zheng, Zekang Su, Jiayu Xu, Li Wang, Xiaoying Gao, Xiaojun Zhu, Fang Yuan, Tiancheng Wang, Shanfa Yu, Guang Jia*. Blood chromium exposure, immune inflammation and genetic damage: Exploring associations and mediation effects in chromate exposed population [J]. J Hazard Mater, 2022, 425: 127769.

3. Zhangjian Chen, Di Zhou, Shuo Han, Shupei Zhou, Gaung Jia*. Hepatotoxicity and the role of the gut-liver axis in rats after oral administration of titanium dioxide nanoparticles [J]. Part Fibre Toxicol, 2019, 16(1): 48.

4. Lin Zhao, Yifang Zhu, Zhangjian Chen, Huadong Xu, Jingwen Zhou, Shichuan Tang, Zhizhen Xu, Fanling Kong, Xinwei Li, Yifei Zhang, Xianzuo Li, Ji Zhang, Guang Jia*. Cardiopulmonary effects induced by occupational exposure to titanium dioxide nanoparticles [J]. Nanotoxicology, 2018, 12(2): 169-184.

5. Qian Qin, Li Ping, Wang Tiancheng, Zhang Ji, Yu Shanfa, Chen Tian, Yan Lei, Song Yanshuang, Liu Xiang, Gu Yongen, Wang Yun, Jia Guang*. Alteration of Th1/Th2/Th17 cytokine profile and humoral immune responses associated with chromate exposure [J]. Occup Environ Med, 2013, 70(10):697-702.

6. Yun Wang, Zhangjian Chen, Te Ba, Ji Pu, Tian Chen, Yanshuang Song, Yongen Gu, Qin Qian, Yingying Xu, Kun Xiang, Haifang Wang, Jia Guang*. Susceptibility of Young and Adult Rats to the Oral Toxicity of Titanium DioxideNanoparticles [J]. Small. 2013, 9(9-10): 1742-52.

7. Song Yanshuang, Zhang Ji, Yu Shanfa, Wang Tiancheng, Cui Xxiaoxing, Du Xianmei, Jia Guang*. Effects of chronic chromium(vi) exposure on blood element homeostasis: an epidemiological study [J]. Metallomics, 2012, 4(5):463-72.

8. Tiancheng Wang, Yanshaung Song, Haifang Wang, Ji Zhang, Shanfa Yu, Yongen Gu, Tian Chen, Yun Wang, Huiqi Shen, Guang Jia*. Oxidative DNA damage and global DNA hypomethylation are related to folate deficiency in chromate manufacturing workers [J]. J Hazard Mater, 2012, 213-214: 440-6.

9. Zhen Shen, Qian Qin, Jia Guang*, Zhang Ji, Chen Chunying, Wei Yongjie. A panel study for cardiopulmonary effects produced by occupational exposure to inhalable titanium dioxide. J Occup Environ Med, 2012, 54(11):1389-94.

10. Guang Jia, Haifang Wang, Lei Yan, Xiang Wang, Rongjuan Pei, Tao Yan, Yuliang Zhao, Xinbiao Guo. Cytotoxicity of carbon nanomaterials: single-wall nanotube, multi-wall nanotube, and fullerene [J]. Environ Sci Technol, 2005, 39 (5): 1378-1383.