


Canqing Yu

Canqing Yu

Canqing Yu

  • Associate Professor
  • [email protected]
  • Xueyuan Road 38, Haidian District, Beijing, China
  • Peking University
Personal profile

Canqing Yu completed an undergraduate degree and PhD at school of Public Health, major in Epidemiology and Biostatistics in in PKU. From 2007-2008, he studied cancer epidemiology as visiting scholar at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in United States. He visited China Kadoorie Biobank at CTSU, Oxford University from 2012 - 2013 while in receipt of a scholarship from Sino-British Friendship Trust.

Main research directions

1. Cancer Epidemiology: the lifestyle factors of esophageal cancer in the Chinese population, as well as their interaction with genetic factors.

2. Mental Health and Sleep disorder: Common mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, as well as sleep problems, have been overlooked in China. We have conducted a serial of epidemiologic studies to describe the characteristics of these disorders and risk factors for these conditions.

3. Dietary Factors and Non-Communicable Diseases: Dietary patterns, which characterize how foods and nutrients are consumed in combinations, reflect the effects of overall diet, and are more realistic and predictive in the analysis of the relationship of diet with health and diseases than individual foods or nutrients. We constructed the major dietary pattern in the Chinese population and analyzed their association with chronic conditions. I also examined the effect of single food or beverage, such as egg, tea, etc. on cardiovascular diseases.

4. Exploring Potential Risk Factors of Common Diseases: With valuable resources from the China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB) cohort and Chinese National Twin Registry (CNTR), I also explored novel or unknown risk factors for common chronic diseases, such as IHD, CVD, T2DM, and Obesity.

5. Data Science on Epidemilology: Applying the methods on data science in large cohort studies (such as, CKB and CNTR), conducting data management, data cleansing, data utilization and sharing.

Representative scientific research projects

1. National Science Foundation of China, 81973125, Exploring dietary pattern predicting cardiometabolic diseases among Chinese adults and its metabolomic profile: Findings from a mega-cohort study, 2019/01-2023/12

2. National Key Research and Development Program, 2016YFC0900504, Demonstrative Research on Large Cohort Study, 2016/07-2020/12.

3. National Science Foundation of China Key Program, 81530088, On statistical methods for data integration and risk assessment of tumors with biomedical big-data, 2016/01-2020/12.

4. Special Fund of the Ministry of Health Public Service Sectors, 201502006, Chinese Environmental Epidemiology Study on Special Population Cohort: the Chinese National Twin Registry, 2015/06-2018/06

5. National Science Foundation of China, 81202266, A study of association between depression disorder, cardiovascular diseases and its risk factors in the Chinese population, 2012/01-2015/12.

10 representative papers

1. Zhu Z, Li J, Si J, et al. A large-scale genome-wide association analysis of lung function in the Chinese population identifies novel loci and highlights shared genetic etiology with obesity. The European respiratory journal. 2021. (SCI IF = 12.339)

2. Wei Y, Lv J, Guo Y, et al. Age-specific associations between habitual snoring and cardiovascular diseases in China: a 10-year cohort study. Chest. 2021. (SCI IF = 9.410)

3. Zheng J, Zhang Y, Rasheed H, et al. Trans-ethnic Mendelian-randomization study reveals causal relationships between cardiometabolic factors and chronic kidney disease. Int J Epidemiol. 2021. (SCI IF = 7.196)

4. Li J, Zhu L, Wei Y, et al. Association between adiposity measures and COPD risk in Chinese adults. The European respiratory journal. 2020;55(4). (SCI IF = 12.339)

5. Wei Y, Lv J, Guo Y, et al. Soy intake and breast cancer risk: a prospective study of 300,000 Chinese women and a dose-response meta-analysis. Eur J Epidemiol. 2020;35(6):567-578. (SCI IF = 7.135)

6. Zheng B, Yu C, Lv J, et al. Insomnia symptoms and risk of cardiovascular diseases among 0.5 million adults: A 10-year cohort. Neurology. 2019;93(23):e2110-e2120. (SCI IF = 8.770)

7. Li J, Qin C, Lv J, et al. Solid Fuel Use and Incident COPD in Chinese Adults: Findings from the China Kadoorie Biobank. Environmental health perspectives. 2019;127(5):57008. (SCI IF = 8.382)

8. Yu C, Tang H, Guo Y, et al. Hot Tea Consumption and Its Interactions With Alcohol and Tobacco Use on the Risk for Esophageal Cancer: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med. 2018;168(7):489-497. (SCI IF = 19.315)

9. Si J, Yu C, Guo Y, et al. Chronic hepatitis B virus infection and risk of chronic kidney disease: a population-based prospective cohort study of 0.5 million Chinese adults. BMC Med. 2018;16(1):93. (SCI IF = 8.285)

10.  Si J, Yu C, Guo Y, et al. Season of birth and the risk of type 2 diabetes in adulthood: a prospective cohort study of 0.5 million Chinese adults. Diabetologia. 2017;60(5):836-842. (SCI IF = 6.023)