


Wenjing Gao

Wenjing Gao

Wenjing Gao

  • Associate Professor
  • [email protected]
  • Xueyuan Road 38, Haidian District, Beijing, China
  • Peking University
Personal profile

Education Background

02/2009-12/2009 Public Health Leadership Program, Centre for Environment and Population Health,Griffith University, Australia

09/2001- 07/2006 Ph. D. in Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Peking University, China

09/1996- 07/2001 Bachelor of Medicine (Maternal and Child Health), School of Public Health, Peking University, China


08/2015-Now Associate Professor, Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Peking University, China

02/2009-12/2009 Post doctoral Fellowship, Guest Lecturer, Centre for Environment and Population Health, Griffith University, Australia

08/2006-07/2015 Lecturer, Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Peking University, China

Dr. Gao is the project coordinator of the Chinese National Twin Registry, the first and largest twin registry in China. The Registry has recruited over 60,000 twin pairs in 11 provinces, based on which a series of scientific research has been conducted in China. Her publication made great contribution for enhancing the reputation of the Chinese National Twin Registry.

She also serves as the Deputy Secretary General of the Branch for Primary Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis; Chinese Antituberculosis Association; Vice director of the Health Statistics and Big Data Application Committee of Beijing preventive medicine association; Guest Associate Professor of Griffith university, Australia; Editorial board member of Journal of Preventive Medicine Information; Corresponding editorial board member of the Chinese Journal of Epidemiology.


Main research directions

Chronic disease epidemiology; Genetic epidemiology; Twin research.

Representative scientific research projects

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 82373659, Longitudinal twin study on leading lifestyle, DNA methylation and long-term blood pressure variability, 2024/01-2027/12,PI;

2. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 82073633, Inference about causation between DNA methylation and blood pressure: a longitudinal twin study, 2021/01-2024/12,PI;

3. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 81573223, DNA methylation comparison study in twins discordant for hypertension, 2016/01-2019/12, PI;

4. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 81202264, Environmental risk factor study of cardiovascular diseases based on twins reared apart and together, 2013/01-2015/12, PI;

5. Young Talent Support Program, School of Public Health, Peking University, BMI Heritability change in twins of China (2001-2013), 2015/01-2016/12, PI.

10 representative papers

1. Hong X, Miao K, Cao W, Lv J, Yu C, Huang T, Sun D, Liao C, Pang Y, Pang Z, Yu M, Wang H, Wu X, Liu Y, Gao W*, Li L*. Association of psychological distress and DNA methylation: A 5-year longitudinal population based twin study. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2024;78(1):51-59.

2. Wang Y, Hong X, Cao W, Lv J, Yu C, Huang T, Sun D, Liao C, Pang Y, Pang Z, Yu M, Wang H, Wu X, Liu Y, Gao W*, Li L*. Age effect on the shared etiology of glycemic traits and serum lipids: evidence from a Chinese twin study. J Endocrinol Invest. J Endocrinol Invest. 2024;47(3):535-546.

3. Miao K, Wang Y, Cao W, Lv J, Yu C, Huang T, Sun D, Liao C, Pang Y, Hu R, Pang Z, Yu M, Wang H, Wu X, Liu Y, Gao W*, Li L*. Genetic and Environmental Influences on Blood Pressure and Serum Lipids Across Age-Groups. Twin Res Hum Genet 2023;26(3):223-230.  

4. Hong X, Miao K, Cao W, Lv J, Yu C, Huang T, Sun D, Liao C, Pang Y, Pang Z, Yu M, Wang H, Wu X, Liu Y, Gao W*, Li L*. Association between DNA methylation and blood pressure: A longitudinal twin study of 5-year. Hypertension 2023, 80(1): 169-181.

5. Hong X, Wu Z, Cao W, Lv J, Yu C, Huang T, Sun D, Liao C, Pang Y, Pang Z, Cong L, Wang H, Wu X, Liu Y, Gao W*, Li L*. Longitudinal association of DNA methylation with type 2 diabetes and glycemic traits: A 5-year cross-lagged twin study. Diabetes 2022, 71(12):2804-2817.

6. Wu Z#, Chen L#, Hong X, Si J, Cao W, Yu C, Huang T, Sun D, Liao C, Pang Y, Pang Z, Cong L, Wang H, Wu X, Liu Y, Guo Y, Chen Z, Lv J, Gao W*, Li L* Temporal associations between leukocytes DNA methylation and blood lipids: A longitudinal study. Clin Epigenetics 2022, 14(1):132.

7. Zheng K, Gao W*, Cao W, Lv J, Yu C, Wang S, Huang T, Sun D, Liao C, Pang Y, Pang Z, Yu M, Wang H, Wu X, Dong Z, Wu F, Jiang G, Wang X, Liu Y, Deng J, Lu L, Li L*. Education, income, and obesity: A nationwide Chinese twin study. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2022, 30(4):931-942.

8. Wang D#, Xi Y#, Gao W*, Zheng K, Lv J, Yu C, Wang S, Huang T, Sun D, Liao C, Pang Y, Pang Z, Yu M, Wang H, Wu X, Dong Z, Wu F, Jiang G, Wang X, Liu Y, Deng J, Lu L, Cao W*, Li L. Heritability of tea drinking and its relationship with cigarette smoking in the Chinese male adult twins. Addict Biol 2022, 27(2): e13129.

9. Gao W, Lv J, Pang Y, Li L*. Role of asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic infections in covid-19 pandemic. BMJ 2021, 375:n2342.

10. Wang Z#, Peng H#, Gao W*, Cao W, Lv J, Yu C, Huang T, Sun D, Wang B, Liao C, Pang Y, Pang Z, Cong L, Wang H, Wu X, Liu Y, Li L*. Blood DNA methylation markers associated with type 2 diabetes, fasting glucose, and HbA1c levels: an epigenome-wide association study in 316 adult twin pairs. Genomics 2021: S0888-7543(21)00387-6.


*Co-corresponding author