


Liming Li

Liming Li

Liming Li

  • Boya Distinguished Prof.
  • [email protected]
  • Xueyuan Road 38, Haidian District, Beijing, China
  • Peking University
Personal profile

He worked successively as Assistant to the President of Peking University, President of Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, the first Director-General of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Board Chair and Executive Vice President of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) and Peking Union Medical College (PUMC); National inspector of the Ministry of Education, Convener of Public Health and Preventive Medicine Discipline Evaluation Group of the State Council, Chairman of the Public Health and Preventive Medicine Committee of the Ministry of Education Steering Committee for Medical Education, Vice Chairman of Working Committee for the Accreditation of Medical Education of Ministry of Education; Chairman of the Chinese Society of Medical Education of Chinese Medical Association, Vice President of Chinese Preventive Medical Association (CPMA), and Chairman of Association of Epidemiology of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association (AECPMA). Prof. Li has been engaged in the large prospective biobank study, chronic disease epidemiology, and geriatric epidemiology. He is Chief Editors for both the Chinese Journal of Epidemiology (in Chinese) and Global Health Journal (in English). He has co-authored over 300 papers published in peer-reviewed journals in Chinese and English. He received Eisenhower Fellowship Award in 1997 and the Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars Award in 2006. He was awarded Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom (HonFFPH) in 2010, and Academician of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences (IEAS) in 2017.

Main research directions

1.Chronic disease epidemiology

2.Geriatric epidemiology

3.Medical and public health education & management

4.Evidence-based decision making

5.Systems epidemiology

Representative scientific research projects

1.Ninth, tenth, and eleventh Five-Year Plan: Community-based comprehensive prevention and treatment of hypertension (1996-2010)

2.China Medical Board: Twin study of non-communicable diseases in China (2001-2005)

3.China Kadoorie Biobank (2003-)

4.Oxford Health Alliance: China Community Intervention for Health Project (Hang Zhou City) (2008-2012)

5.Special fund for Health scientific research in the public welfare: China environmental epidemiology: A cohort study in the Chinese population (2011-2013)

6.China Ministry of Science and Technology: Study of standard operating procedure of techniques appropriate for mega- and prospective cohort study in China (2012-2014)

7.Special fund for Health scientific research in the public welfare: China environmental epidemiology: A cohort study in the Chinese twin population (2015-2018)

8.National Natural Science Foundation of China: A prospective Chinese cohort study of environments and genes and their interactions in the etiology of coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke (2014-2018)

9.National Natural Science Foundation of China: Study on harmonization platform for big data of population health and paradigm of scientific research and managerial decision-making driven by big data (2019-2022)

10 representative papers

1.Lv J†, Qi L†, Yu C, Yang L, Guo Y, Chen Y, Bian Z, Sun D, Du J, Ge P, Tang Z, Hou W, Li Y, Chen J, Chen Z, Li L*. Consumption of spicy foods and total and cause specific mortality: population based cohort study. BMJ. 2015;351:h3942.

2.Chen Z*, Peto R, Zhou M, Iona A, Smith M, Yang L, Guo Y, Chen Y, Bian Z, Lancaster G, Sherliker P, Pang S, Wang H, Su H, Wu M, Wu X, Chen J, Collins R, Li L*. Contrasting male and female trends in tobacco-attributed mortality in China: evidence from successive nationwide prospective cohort studies. Lancet. 2015;386:1447-56.

3.Yang L*, Li L*, Lewington S, Guo Y, Sherliker P, Bian Z, Collins R, Peto R, Liu Y, Yang R, Zhang Y, Li G, Liu S, Chen Z. Outdoor temperature, blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease mortality among 23 000 individuals with diagnosed cardiovascular diseases from China. Eur Heart J. 2015;36:1178-85.

4.Du H*, Li L*, Bennett D, Guo Y, Key TJ, Bian Z, Sherliker P, Gao H, Chen Y, Yang L, Chen J, Wang S, Du R, Su H, Collins R, Peto R, Chen Z. Fresh fruit consumption and major cardiovascular disease in China. N Engl J Med. 2016;374:1332-43.

5.Bragg F†, Holmes MV†, Iona A†, Guo Y, Du H, Chen Y, Bian Z, Yang L, Herrington W, Bennett D, Turnbull I, Liu Y, Feng S, Chen J, Clarke R, Collins R, Peto R, Li L*, and Chen Z*. Association between diabetes and cause-specific mortality in rural and urban areas of China. JAMA. 2017;317:280-9.

6.Lv J, Yu C, Guo Y, Bian Z, Yang L, Chen Y, Tang X, Zhang W, Qian Y, Huang Y, Wang X, Chen J, Chen Z, Qi L*, Li L*. Adherence to healthy lifestyle and cardiovascular diseases in the Chinese population. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017;69:1116-25.

7.Yu K†, Qiu G†, Chan K-H†, Lam K-BH, Kurmi OP, Bennett DA, Yu C, Pan A, Lv J,Guo Y, Bian Z, Yang L, Chen Y, Hu FB, Chen Z, Li L* and Wu T*. Association of solid fuel use with risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in rural China. JAMA. 2018;319:1351-1361.

8.Lacey B*, Lewington S, Clarke R, Kong XL, Chen Y, Guo Y, Yang L, Bennett D, Bragg F, Bian Z, Wang S, Zhang H, Chen J, Walters RG, Collins R, Peto R, Li L*, Chen Z. Age-specific association between blood pressure and vascular and non-vascular chronic diseases in 0·5 million adults in China: a prospective cohort study. Lancet Glob Health. 2018;6:e641-e649.

9.Yu C†, Tang H†, Guo Y, Bian Z, Yang L, Chen Y, Tang A, Zhou X, Yang X, Chen J, Chen Z, Lv J*, Li L*. Hot tea consumption and its interactions with alcohol and tobacco use on the risk for esophageal cancer: A population-based cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2018.168(7):489-497.

10.Millwood IY†, Walters RG†, Mei XW, Guo Y, Yang L, Bian Z, Bennett DA, Chen Y, Dong C, Hu R, Zhou G, Yu B, Jia W, Parish S, Clarke R, Davey Smith G, Collins R, Holmes MV, Li L*, Peto R, Chen Z*. Conventional and genetic evidence on alcohol and vascular disease aetiology: a prospective study of 500 000 men and women in China. Lancet. 2019.393(10183): 1831-1842.