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Campus Asia is a program launched based on a trilateral summit agreement among China, Japan, and Korea designed to carve out a better future for Asia. The program's objective is to promote exchange and cooperation with quality assurance among universities in China, Japan, and Korea, create a sense of community in terms of history and culture in Northeast Asia and nurture in future leaders a vision of regional peace and coexistence through tri-national education exchanges.

University Partners

China: Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong Unviersity, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Japan: Osaka University

Korea: Yonsei University


Global aging has made a paradigm shift from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases, dementia and other aged-related diseases in human. Asian countries, composing a large world population, boosted the global aging with declining birth rates. Rapid economic growth in the 1970's Japan, the 1990's Korea, and the 2000's China but recent stagnant raised the demand of reconstructing the system and policy for medical care and public health. Advanced research on prevention and medical care will be essential to provide evidence, skills and technology to solve the health problems of global aging. Japan has experienced a success in the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (declines in both stroke and ischemic heart disease mortality) for which Osaka University has contributed substantially to conduct research and prevention programs. Korea and China have an increasing trend in ischemic heart disease mortality. Three countries are facing health problems due to dementia and other age-related diseases with rapid aging. The participant universities are strong for molecular and imaging researches on aging. Osaka University and Korea universities have conducted a large-scale population cohort studies on non-communicable diseases. Chinese universities have an advantage in performing research on Chinese medicines. The maximum use of advantage for the participating universities contributes to make the program successful.


Raising research leaders in medicine and public health to solve global health problems due to non-communicable diseases, dementia and other age-related diseases through the Campus Asia Project among Japan, Korea and China.The mission of this program is to train undergraduate, master's and doctoral students to raise research leaders in the fields of medicine and public health. Students will obtain the sense of ethics and harmony, the comprehensiveness and flexible ways of thinking, as well as logical thinking. Students are also expected to establish fruitful networks which will enable them to work closely and efficiently with researchers and professionals in the future.

Content of the Exchange Program

-Academic field, number of exchange students, curriculum, degree to be conferred etc.

-Difference from existing domestic and overseas programs/curricula in the same field

The consortium of Osaka University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yonsei University, perform the Campus Asia program for the exchange of undergraduate, master's and doctoral students. Lectures, practice sessions, seminars, internship at companies and government institutions. The common program guideline are constructed to make credit transfer, evaluation and certificates, support for learning and life, and internal and external quality control. International faculty meeting and international symposium are held once a year in one of the three countries.

Academic field

Medical Science and Public Health

Number of exchange students

A total of 158 students will be exchanged, including 60 from Japan, 55 from China, and 43 from Korea.The students include medical students, and medical and non-medical graduate students.

1) Short-term (1-month) program for undergraduate, master's or doctoral students

2) Middle-term (3-to 6-month) program, for master's or doctoral students

3) Long-term(1-to 2-year) program, for doctoral students including a double-degree program

Degree to be conferred

Credits earned in each university under this project are transferable to Mater or Doctor of Medical Science (MMS) and Public Health (MPH) or Philosophy (PhD) in each student's home institution. Double-degree will be aimed for PHD doctoral students by 2-year stay in home University and another 2-year stay in the counterpart University.  

Expected Outcomes

Research leaders in medicine and public health to solve global health problems