Program Details
We aim to train talents in the field of public health with a vision to lead health development across the globe.
Admission Requirements
Peking University Executive MPH Program annually enrolls approximately 30 new students from both China and abroad. International students comprise roughly 90% of the student body.
Applicants should have:
→ Two-year working experience in health-related fields;
→ Undergraduate degree or first degree from an accredited college or university;
→ English proficiency;
→ Leadership potential.
Program Organization
The duration of the course is 2 years, completing a required 45 credit hours:
- 1st year full-time study at Peking University
- 2nd year practicum/internship/fieldwork in home country
-Capstone thesis
Tuition, Fees, and Scholarships
The total tuition fee is ¥150,000. Peking University is committed to enrolling a talented and diverse student body with representation from all countries and regions. Scholarships may be available through the Chinese Scholarship Council.
Application Deadlines
Spring 2020 admission: July 31, 2019
Fall 2020 admission: December 31, 2019
Program At a Glance
Examples of required courses
Quantitative Research Methods
Introduction to Global Health
Global Health Governance
Advanced Epidemiological Methods
International Health Program Management
Comparative Health Systems
Ethical & Cultural Issues in Population Research
Examples of elective courses
Introduction to China's Health Care System
Best Practices in Health Development
Health Education and Health Promotion
International Organization
Health Economics
Case Studies in Global Health Practices
Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response
Infectious Diseases Control and Prevention
Non-communicable Chronic Disease Prevention: A Global Perspective
Inquiries to
Ms Fangjing Liu
Tel: 010-82806537
Email: [email protected]
Address: Friends Building, Peking University Health Science Center, 38 Xue Yuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100191, China