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Teaching Center for Preventive Medicine Experiments

The Teaching Center for Preventive Medicine Experiments was established in May 2003 and is affiliated with the School of Public Health. The current director is Professor Weidong Hao. The center includes biochemistry laboratories on the first floor, a computer room on the second floor, and a sanitary chemistry laboratory on the fifth floor of the school building. Its teaching function is to manage experimental teaching facilities and equipment, and to reform and update experimental teaching under the cooperation of related departments, and to assist in the completion of experimental teaching courses. On the basis of fulfill the needs of undergraduate and postgraduate experimental teaching, the center's facilities and equipment are also open to the research work of the school.

The teaching center has the basic equipment for chemical and biological experiments in environmental and health research. They are: high performance liquid chromatography, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, fluorescence spectrophotometer, electrochemical detector, ultra-micro spectrophotometer, dissolution analyzer, UV-visible spectrophotometer, live cell confocal microscopy, multi-function microplate reader, fluorescence quantitative gene amplification instrument, flow cytometer, automatic blood cell counter, square wave electroporation system, automatic brain stereotactic injection system, chemical luminescence gel image analysis system, microscope, fluorescence microscope, inverted fluorescence microscope, stereo microscope, multi-functional tissue grinder, intelligent fluorescent cell analyzer, gene amplification instrument, gel imaging system, carbon dioxide incubator, cell counter, plate washer, microplate reader, ultrasonic wave breaker, molecular hybridization box , electrophoresis apparatus, rotating incubator, isolated heart perfusion system, homogenizer, precision tissue homogenizer, ultraviolet cross-linker, urine analyzer, multi-amplitude high-speed orbital shaker, microbiological incubator, 9 mice universal spontaneous activity video analysis system, 4 mice shuttle box video analysis system, 4 rats step-down video analysis system, elevated plus maze video analysis system, 4 mice universal step-through video analysis system, electronic balance, low-speed large-capacity centrifuge, desktop high-speed freezing centrifuge, ultracentrifuge, ultrapure water system, animal anesthesia machine, biological safety cabinet, ice maker, autoclave, low temperature refrigerator, constant temperature culture shaker, manual paraffin slicer, slide plotter, semi-automatic frozen section machine, biological tissue automatic dehydrator, rotary slicer, embedded device, body composition analyzer, particle classification sampling system, individual particle detectors, field strength meters, sound level meters, noise spectrum analyzers, multi-functional noise analyzers, vibration analyzers, ultraviolet irradiators, lung function analyzers, multi-functional microcomputer laser dust analyzers, formaldehyde analyzers, percussive airborne microbial sampler, individual dust sampler, computerized fast moisture analyzer, flash fusion frequency meter, PES system, height and weight meter, grip tester, sebum thickness meter.