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发布日期: 2012-11-05

北京大学卫生应急管理中心成立于2010420,挂靠于直播大秀-大秀直播-大秀直播app 。中心现有人员7人,中心主任为胡永华教授,专家委员会主任委员为王陇德教授,工作地点在直播大秀-大秀直播-大秀直播app 326室。







At the beginning of the 21th century, as the world has entered a period of emergency incidents occurring frequently, emergency management work has been facing many challenges., To improve the governments’ and organizations’ capabilities on this area, and to promote population health and social stability eventually, it’s helpful, according to the practical work, to strengthen the scientific research on public health and emergency management. University has played a significant role in these aspects.
The center for Health Emergency and Preparedness, Peking University, established on April 20th, 2010, will bring the superiority of talented personnel and specialties from both Peking University and Peking University Health Science Center into full play. Meanwhile, the center will also rally support from outside of the university, for the purpose of establishing the platform for multidisciplinary communication, scientific research and personnel training, and promoting the capability of emergency preparedness and response in China ultimately.  
The main research area for this center is public health emergency management, which affiliated to the first class discipline “Public health and Preventive medicine”. The center has several directions on two aspects, one is scientific research, and the other is professional training. The directions are listed below.
For the scientific research:
1. Summarize the achievement of practical work and research on public health and emergency preparedness in China, learn essence from other countries, and develop frontier research areas.
2. Establish and strengthen the cooperative relationship with health emergency management departments and operating departments in China and abroad, and work together on both research and practice application.
3. Strengthen contact with academic communities, research units and researchers from all over the world, and make academic exchanges.
4. Promote interdisciplinary research.
5. Extend the research achievements.
For the professional training:
1. Establish the faculty of emergency management at School of Public Health, Peking University, to meet the need of research and training work.
2. Organize training programs for emergency management professionals.
3. Create the new subject of emergency management and promote the education reform on the relevant curriculums. 
Director of this center is Professor Yonghua HU
Contact details
Dr Xueying Qin (PhD)
The Center for Health Emergency and Preparedness, Peking University.
Room 326, School of Public Health, Peking University
38# Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100191, P. R. CHINA
Phone: +86 10 8280 5642
Fax: +86 10 8280 5642