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会议通知:The second PESETO Conference Public Health in 21st Century

发布日期: 2009-11-04

The second PESETO Conference Public Health in 21st Century

Conference content:

         Global and Regional Challenges in Public Health


 The University of Tokyo:

           Yasuki KOBAYASHI (Dean, ProfessorDepartment of Health Policy)

Yasuo OHASHI (Professor, Department of Biostatics)

Takahiro KIUCHI (Professor, Department of Health Communication)


Seoul National University

Hai Won Chung (Dean, professorenvironmental epidemiology, molecular epidemiology, radiation health, genetic toxicology)
               Hyojee Joung (Associate dean, associate professorpublic health nutrition, nutritional epidemiology)
               Chang-yup Kim (Professorhealth policy, international health, equity in health)
               Kyung Duk Zoh (Associate professorenvironmental chemistry)


Peking UniversitySpeakers & Participants

faculties & students


Time:  7th Nov , 2009(Saturday)

Place:  YiFu-Building -103(逸夫楼-103


Welcome to participate!



Public Health School

                                         Peking university health science center